Here’s part 1 of my Anim Graph on my head animation blueprint. You ca see where I set up the blend mask. On my head skeletal mesh, I set up the head as 1 for its blend mask while the other bones are set to 0.
I took a capture. As you can see, the livelink works great, it’s playing off the mocap. Yet when I want to play the sequence, it doesn’t work. It leaves the parented part of the mesh. Yet if I leave it at blueprint mode, the head is correct but it doesn’t have any my face curves.
I have a metahuman and it works on the meta. I can slide the face anim track while the body is moving, but they don’t break.
Anyone could help?
I have tried these forums:
As well as taken bits from these tutorials
(30 minutes they talk about faces)
But I still have yet to find a solution. Been at this for a few days. I feel close but not sure… any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated. As I said. Live link face IOS works great, but when I add a separate animation track onto the sequencer it doesn’t have any data.
No it is not assigned as a postprocess bp. I assigned the head just now and changed the node to an input node instead of a copy pose from mesh node. I still see the same result where the animation track removes the head from the body. I feel like it is something to do with how my AnimGraph is set up. I want to be able to Livelink during a specific pose, and for the animation sequence track to move and stick to the rest of the body. I feel like every part the graph references the livelink and there needs to be some switch to tell it stick with copy pose from mesh.
I was looking at the face animation bp on the metahuman head, and I saw this mapping node on the face. Along with the curve data. I was going to try and create a map asset with this sequence.
When I make the pose-asset though I’m getting some funky stuff with the first poses, it looks like it’s moving the whole body.
But I was going to see if I could replicate that part of the Metahuman bp.
EDIT: it looks like it’s because it is making a pose for every frame. This animation sequence is 351.