When using the Lit Material, if I decrease the brightness too low, I can get very bad color/gradient banding.
Here’s an example of the color tester texture (it’s the color checker at “/Engine/EditorMeshes/ColorCalibrator/Color_checker”, and I changed the compression to “BC7 (DX11, optional A)”, and all other settings on the texture are unchanged) using a Lit Material (also including the Material Graph):
The only light in the scene is a movable directional light, and it is pointed directly at the surface I posted above. The color is fully white and I’ve modified the intensity so that it can match the brightness of the Unlit Material I’m using for comparison.
For the Unlit Material (using the same color checker texture) I just darkened the emission so that it matches as closely to the brightness of the Lit Material as possible. With this Unlit Material, I see no visible color/gradient banding.
I checked several settings and I’ve verified that the color/gradient banding goes away likely due to the dithering that’s added by the Tonemapper. That is, if I turn off the Tonemapper, I get color banding on the Unlit Material.
Unfortunately, this dithering added by the Tonemapper does not apply to the Lit Material.
Does anyone know how to fix the color/gradient banding for the Lit Material?
I’m using UE 4.27.2