I have a collision capsule component around my VR Pawn. It stays with the pawn when i move around with the joystick, but it doesn’t stay when i walk around the room in real life without using the joystick. How can I fix this? I tried making a collision capsule under VR origin and setting the main one to no collision, but then my pawn falls through the floor on starting the game.
Hi JemJem,
I’m reminded of this community tutorial.
Check the timestamp 10:15 where he demonstrates what you’re asking.
Thank you so much!! This is what I have been looking for
For anyone else looking how to do this. I tried the youtube video above, but it wasn’t working for me when i tried to add the blueprint into the VRPawn blueprint. Sync Character Collision to HMD with Rotation Fix posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
This instead worked for me.
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