Client-side jitter on UStaticMeshComponent in Networked Game


I am creating a host/client game where both players run around inside of a ball. Think chained together + monkey ball. I am having an issue where the ball is experiencing some jitter on the client. This gets much worse when simulating a “bad” network environment. The Network Profiler tool does not point out any glaring issues with the data I’m sending over the network. Below is my code, I thought maybe binding AddForce to my character Move “triggered” method might be too much to send over the network, but I tested using just “started” and still saw a fair amount of jitter. The client-side jitter seems to happen to the UStaticMeshComponent whenever it moves. Any ideas or help are appreciated, thank you!

void ABuddiesCharacter::Move(const FInputActionValue& Value)
    // Input is a Vector2D
    FVector2D MovementVector = Value.Get<FVector2D>();
    if (Controller != nullptr)
        // Find out which way is forward
        const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation();
        const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0);

        // Get forward vector
        const FVector ForwardDirection = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X);

        // Get right vector
        const FVector RightDirection = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Y);

        // Add movement input to the character
        AddMovementInput(ForwardDirection, MovementVector.Y);
        AddMovementInput(RightDirection, MovementVector.X);

        if (IsLocallyControlled())
                FVector ForwardForce = ForwardDirection * MovementVector.Y * ForceScale;
                FVector RightForce = RightDirection * MovementVector.X * ForceScale;
                FVector TotalForce = ForwardForce + RightForce;
                ServerApplyForceToBall(ForwardDirection, RightDirection, MovementVector);

void ABuddiesBall::AddForceToBall(FVector Force)

UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = “Components”, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = “true”))
UStaticMeshComponent* SphereComponent;

Meshes bound to the character cannot have collision that blocks the Capsule or Pawn skeletal mesh.

They overlap