I am creating a multiplayer FPS with networking.
When I play in the unreal editor with a given amount of players everything is fine.
But when I try to run a dedicated server, and use compiled clients that I connect using the open command, the game works fine except that the replication for the characters locks them so they cannot turn past a certain degree.
When I use a dedicated server and connect to it with the editor as a client (using open command again) the problem does not occur.
I have no idea what is going on.
Spunds like the answer is probably in one of your Authority switches for setting rotation. What does it look like?
Authority switch for settings rotation? Where do I find that?
My current hypothesis is something wrong with packaged version of max playercontroller rotation, because my yaw limit seems to be the same as my pitch limit.
I mean most network code will test whether it’s running on the Authority machine (usually the server) or a Remote proxy (usually a client), and I was guessing maybe it’s doing or not doing something on the client or server that it does on the other to set the rotation and overrides what the other one gave it.
But yeah if your rotation limit is what’s glitching then that sounds like something completely different.
Not sure why it would do that.