Character Customizer (Version 4)

Hi DarkS474.
I have a question . Can I export the model I created with the Customizer? I need to use in another projetc and I would like to export just the fbx with the clothes too. Thanks a lot

I to would like to know if we can export the character and use it in another project

If you purchased from marketplace you can only legally use in any UE4 game you make. That I know for sure.

How would I go about allowing these to use the free Advanced Locomotion V3 plugin? Would I have to export and re-rig, or is there an easier way? Thanks

Should work with just retargeting.

Reargeting works! I tried just applying the other anim graph and it messed up but retargeting works. Thank you!

Also a 2nd question. I have made a randomize function that auto applied all different values and outfits. However the clothes are always the default sizes. So say the body has a randomized value of 0.78, the jeans and shirt are still represented as if the body is 0.5 and parts of their skin protrude through the clothes. I am looking for where the morphs are set for the clothes within the menu to carry these functions over. Any idea?

Thank you in advance. Epic plugin by the way, super excited to share with you my use case for it :slight_smile:

I would like to buy it for my project, there is any info about 4.22 update?

I have just opened it into 4.22 and worked fine and this is expected since it is a blueprint project, materials and meshes.

Thanks, awesome! Definitely the next asset on my wishlist.

I bought the pack and I wanted to add a new shoe like a survival boot.
I imported it a boot skeletal mesh and added into datatable but got one big boot.
What are the rules of footwear additions? Scale, Rotations, how to pair the two boots?

Im thinking how a male/female hierarachy with ALS could work in a game setup where player can pick gender.
I have already a character with my custom properties which has ALS Character as parent. I retargeted ALS Character skeleton to customizer’s one, as it have more bones like breast.
Then I reparented ALS Character to… and here is the question. If I reparent to character BP and keep it without gender but then I need copy all data from male_character which is a nightmare and will make future upgrades very complicated.
If I reparent ALS Character to male_character I will need far less manual changes in BPs but I get a strictly male player BP.
I was thinking creating two versions of my character and spawn it depending to player personal data, but then I need handle two BPs as I use lot of gets/casts to my player all around in different BPs.
Any suggestions?

Maybe this will work:
MyCharMale->ALS->male_character->Character BP
MyCharFemale->ALS->male_character->Character BP

Spawn char by gender setting, on player character cast references either

  1. Store all common information in Character BP and cast to it when accessing player
  2. Create a Player Interface BP and register both MyCharMale and MyCharFemale to it / implement access functions, use Interface instead of casting

Anyone here who has problems with hair animations after retargeting or only me? :frowning:
Every apparel work fine but hair periodically disappearing especially on moving-run and crouch…

seems it fixed my problem with character if anyone will face similar problem:

Sorry for the hiatus, the update is finally live.

A lot of changes, but the main ones are

  • New and improved hairstyles
  • New and improved clothing
  • Improved animations
  • Aging slider. Only normal+color overlay, so young adult to adult basically
  • Facial animation morphs

Beyond that I’ve done a lot of cleanup of the project files. As much functionality as possible has been moved to the Character Customizer component. Widget functions can now be found under a tab in the component.

Another change is that the head and body now use just one material and share textures. If you made any masks that applied to the head you might need to change those. This turned out to be necessary to fix the normal seam at the neck.

The facial animation morphs are a mostly complete set of FACS morphs which you can use to animate the face. You can’t really do it in engine so if you want to get started animating you can email me if you need the FBX files or help in any other way.

I’ve uploaded a video going over the new stuff:

Pretty good update! You did some really good optimization and new features!

I find this project very intriguing, not because I want in-game character customization, but because it might be a way to generate a variety of different characters for a game. How difficult is it to ignore the in-game customization, and just use it as editor functionality? (I think if this was the focus, the market for this asset would greatly increase, as in-game customization is kind of niche IMHO).

The way you receive the asset, it saves the values you have chosen as save game. The way you described, you could store all the relevant info which is saved inside data tables or a database of your choice and load those values configuring a blueprint which will hold all the data for a character instead and will set them.

If by “generate a variety of different characters” you mean defining presets in the editor and having them appear like that in-game, then yes that is doable.

A change in version 2 is that there is now a struct called Characters wherein you can add character presets and define morph values, textures, clothing, hair and then give the preset a name and if you assign that name to the Save Name variable of the character blueprint instance in the level it will load on play.

He meant by “generate a variety of different characters”, the ability to create not only the main character, but also generate NPCs to have them all at once in a game.

Yeah, just add presets to the Character struct and assign the name to the character blueprint instance in the level. You can use the existing character BP as basis for NPCs as far as I know.