Awesome, thanks Another question, for creating clothing, has anyone tried to add custom meshes? I know there’s a variety of ways to create the clothing, but how do you fit it to the body mesh? Is there a reference mesh that I would use in a 3D Modeler? Or another process? I looked at the documentation, but I just found info on how to set the clothing mesh, not much on the creation process. Maybe I missed something?
Creating 3D outfits is a pretty broad area so I can’t include that in the documentation. As for fitting it to the characters, you can export the characters from the engine and as of 4.23 or 4.22 I believe you can include morph targets. Then just skin the clothing to the exported skeleton and import it onto the existing one.
Could anyone give some basic guideline how to implement character customizer into ALS v3? No matter what approach I try I can’t get it working…
I used ALS for a while, it’s a bit unwieldy so I stopped using it but I don’t think I had any trouble getting it to work. What problems are you having?
Thank you for fast reply. I have my combat system made on top of ALS, so I kind of “have to” use it.
Well, when I made CC_Character_BP child of ALS_BaseCharacter_BP I can’t make the character use its AnimBP no matter what. I was pretty sure that I removed all of movement overrides in CC_Character_BP, but obviously I missed something… Everything was retargeted, so there shouldn’t be any problem.
Unfortunately I messed up my project rn, so I am unable to tell you exactly what’s happening.
Bought it and looks nice, I was wondering can i get face morph extra animations like you mentioned? I rated 5 stars, also how can i saved character to blender by fbx? I mean i can save and load in the engine but how can i get my saved mesh lil bit confused… haha
Sure you can email me if you want any files associated with the project.
Also a lot of people might have missed this, but as of 4.23 you can export skeletal meshes from the engine with morph targets. It seems to work without issues, but make sure to ungroup the mesh and skeleton before you import it back into UE4, or the root group will be read as a bone and it will be unable to import onto the existing skeleton. And don’t forget to assign physics asset and enable recompute tangent for the skin material on the imported mesh.
Ok I’ll try that, also i’ve sent you an email and looking forward to it… thanks
JTLYK, Character Customizer is taking part in the flash sale that lasts through monday, at 50% off
I am working on this literally as i stumbled on this. so far here’s what I’ve done:
- Retargeted the IK BP from ALS character to the male
- Retargeted the main AnimBP from ALS to the male.
- Changed the mesh from ALS mannequin to the male LOD0 (although I would assume LOD1 would work as well)
He had the mannequin material on him so i could see his shape looked about right, i’m looking at how to create a menu system without the movement so i can create a save name and load it on ALS load.
I don’t know that it will work but by all things that make sense, it should.
@mlindborg Just bought the Character Customizer and like it a lot, thanks for putting it on the Marketplace!
Can you answer a question about hair shadow textures applied to the character’s skin material? (apologies if its already been answered) Did you paint the hair shadow textures in Substance or another program or is there a way to generate them? They seem to add a lot so I think I would want to do the same thing for any custom hair meshes I make.
I make them manually in Photoshop. You can use the existing maps to figure out the UV configuration. I don’t think there’s an automatic way of doing it barring baking the AO from a high poly xgen mesh or something.
The red channel is tinted by the hair color, so it should cover the hair root. The blue channel is an unsaturated shadow and is for the edges where you have clumps of hair occluding the skin basically.
Is it possible to export the models with blendshapes intact to an fbx? I’m working in a project where I need to pose the characters and import the result as a static mesh in the target project. I also tried to convert a character actor to a staticmesh, but that would not apply the blendshapes. Any suggestions?
Yes, as of 4.23 there’s a check box for morph targets in the FBX export window
@mlindborg what is planned for the next version of the kit and when it will be released?
would it give an problems with woman high heels?
And is the code of the kit mobile friendly/good optimized?
There is a feature for shoe offsets, it’s displayed in the v2 video. Next update is sometime after 4.24 release, haven’t decided on contents yet.
As for mobile I don’t know what budgets mobile games have these days but the assets are fairly high resolution. Although you can always reduce the triangle count with the in game reduction tool and lower the texture resolutions.
An obnoxious problem that seems to have been introduced in 4.23, where morph targets from different objects would not combine on import, appears to be fixed in 4.24 in case anyone encountered that.
Hey! I’m about to purchase the Character Customizer in the Epic Store, but I need to know something about the skeleton first. So, does the skeleton have IK bones ready for the retarget with the UE Mannequin? Thanks!
Yes, but keep in mind when you retarget IK bones they will desync from the bone they were constrained to, so you’ll have to copy the bone position from the feet/hand bones before the IK logic happens
4.24 update is done soon, main features are networking, some more hair and clothing options, hair physics, more idle and walk animations suited for NPC crowds, and some other stuff
Thanks for the tip!