Character Customizer (Version 4)

Is it possible to only have one base character for this? I’ve tried setting up my whole system based around the male and female actors but it’s beginning to be too much redundant info. Do you think it would just be possible to work on the Parent and just set the materials based off of if they are a male or female?

Yes, that’s possible. You would have to create a branch using IsFemale and set everything that’s set in the child BPs in the main BP instead. Also you would have to change the mesh, the animBP and the camera settings.

I’ve done all of that so far. It seems I’m having a problem with setting the skin textures. They don’t seem to want to apply at all. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I can post a screenshot of how my character BP is set up when I get home.

Would it be possible to distribute the source FBX files with this? Other packages do it so I don’t think theres a restriction on file type.

Here are my screenshots.

This is how I have the mesh updating depending on if male or female.

This is how the materials get updated.

This is my Begin Play.

And how does the problem manifest?

I heard something earlier about about Epic not accepting nude character files, so I didn’t include them to avoid issues with my submission but it’s possible it doesn’t matter. You can email me with your receipt if you want them.

First and foremost, the skin textures look super smooth. When trying to change the textures with the cc texture picker widget it doesn’t seem to do anything.

Check the CC_Menu_Data struct in the character BP and see if the skin textures are set properly

I’ll give that a shot when I get home! Thanks!

That seemed to fix that issue! I didn’t realize on my other project that I was using two different character children, I had BP_MaleCC and BP_FemaleCC who both had the menu data already set up, it just transferred over to my regular characters.

I do seem to have another problem though. I can’t get any of the settings to transfer through the gameinstance so I can spawn the character with all of the character customization. I got this to work on my other project but I don’t seem to be having the same luck with this one.

So after building a log system to see if the variables are carrying over from the game instance to the CC_Saved_Variables it seems that part is working. It just doesn’t seem to be applying the cc values to the mesh.

No update yet I’m afraid, busy season, but I found the solution to the problem with hair/clothes with custom animation blueprints going out of sync, apparently it’s due to tick order

It works if you add this in CC_Hair_Button/AC_Button_Mesh

Does somebody have an A.R.T. V1 File for Maya and want it to share?

Thank you Exdraz, yep, this saves a bunch of sparetime!

First: This looks amazing! But if its alright, I would give some honest feedback:

  1. This pack looks like it uses 2 base meshes for male and female characters. Since its primary use-case is to customize characters, it can be assumed that additional assets like clothes or hairstyles will be created. In this case, 2 base meshes will mean twice the work, since either one wont fit on the other base mesh. This looks like a low hanging fruit to me - will there be an update with pre-defined morphs to create either a male or female character from one base character mesh? This will (not would) save us alot of time when creating additions.
  2. I definitely have not looked properly into clothings for characters (yet), but i assume it works by using the same skeleton - but then how do morph targets work on clothes? As far as i understand morph targets, they can only be applied on the same base surfaces, which is not the case with clothings - so do clothes simply use custom morph targets (with the same name …) - or did you use a different approach for this? This question is just to estimate the expandability of this asset in terms of to-be-expected effort :slight_smile:
  3. If possible, please copy or link some of the important infos from the 26 pages here into the first post, I looked quite a while to check if my questions were already answered. Also some of the tutorial videos users posted would help a ton.

Regardless if they’re the same mesh or not you would have to fit the clothing and hair to the other gender’s shape. Isn’t it the same amount of work?

Having the male character be a morph of the female character or vice versa sounds neat in theory but I think it would be more trouble than it’s worth. Any time you wanted to make a change to the base mesh, say modify the hands or the ears or whatever, you would have to separate the male and female characters, otherwise the changes would permeate to the other gender. Complex setups like that create a policy of “don’t make any changes whatsoever” . You want to be able to modify things. I imagine it would also be a hassle when dealing with physics assets and the physics for hair/cloth meshes and such. Having two discrete characters saves a lot of time and effort in the long run I think.

Clothes need to have their own morph targets. Morph targets are inherited from the parent mesh if they share the same name. It doesn’t take much effort, maybe a few minutes per item using a wrap deformer and some cleanup.

This can change once material layers are released in the future, but I will not mess with this right now.

But the characters don’t look that great tbh. I also find it rude of you to come into OP’s thread about their content to advertise an alternative to OP’s content.

Currently using this in my project. Still needs some tweaks and I can’t wait to see more options in a future update.