Just saying I’m really excited for this. Everything looks fantastic.
So I’ve been trying my hardest to try and get the variables to save to a character. Anyone have any thoughts?
In the CC save function category there’s a bunch of functions which get the values from the character and inserts them in the CC_saved_variables struct. The function called “save” writes CC_saved_variables to the SaveGame.
I’ve been using that to save it per character name, but I think the problem I’m having is loading them.
Sorry for all the questions, but a big one- do you have a sense of the new version will be ready in next two weeks, or is it further out?
Trying to figure out if we should wait for it or just build off the previous one for a demo of ours
Hard to say since I’m both limited in time I can spend developing it and ability to gauge when it will be done even if I worked on it constantly. Probably not more than two weeks. I’ve made quite a few changes to the UI, materials, skeleton, meshes, so maybe don’t do anything you wouldn’t want to move to a newer version.
Can you make a small video of the changes you’ve made?
Are the plans to reorder the bone hierarchy so we don’t have to retarget?
Saw there was an update, a couple of quick notes
- not sure how you select male
- the swimsuit does not seem to work on female
Tab to switch character
I actually deleted the swimwear a while ago but it seems I forgot to remove it from the data table. I’ll get that fixed.
“Tab to switch character”
doh missed that!
new faces look great!
Amazing work!! What did you use to make the hair and clothes? Could you do a sample tutorial? Thanks
@mlindborg Definitely a great asset! Im really glad from supporting you from the start and I hope you reach great sales man!
Many developers will find their way using the asset, but you can really make your audience broad if you take another week (might even be after release at MP) and prepare two distinct tutorials: one for clothing and one for hair, and you are set for a year!
I’m at work now and didn’t see the changes but I quote Nilson at 100%
I don’t know if is intended or not, but if you change something and then close the customizer menu the changes will be automatically lost and the character will reset to default.
It loads when you close the menu, so it’s intended
Thanks, understood, I have some desync problem with fast or fall animation between clothes/hair and the character animation/mesh, trying to figure out
Not just the ponytail?
It seems that retargeting is pretty messed up right now. I was able to do the last version pretty quick. Any idea as to what may have changed during the process? Have you been able to retarget the latest version to for instance the Advanced Locomotion System?
No difference here. The only problem I’ve had with retargeting is that the skeletal mesh associated with the skeleton sometimes changes to the shoes. I have no idea why this happens but it’s happened several times and it messes up retargeting. You need to go to the skeleton and select the character mesh and apply to asset if that’s the case.
Also with ALS keep in mind you need to reset the mannequins pose.