Character Creator

Here is some more info and testing

The female character is currently being textured. Here’s a small preview:

What do you think?

It looks awesome!

Thanks! Glad you like it :slight_smile:

I am very tempted to purchase this, but before I do, I want to see how the female characters look. Are you adding anything else? like extra clothing options, maybe some shoes, hairstyles, etc.? Also, can this basically be replaced by the UE4 mannequin mesh and everything will work exactly the same? I am just curious because my current character method involves an excruciating amount of tweaking to look just reasonable, so it looks like this could save me a lot of time!

My main concern deals with the customization options… it looks great for a single, main character, but making multiple NPCs or citizens seems like they would look very very similar to one another.

You clearly have an amazing product that looks absolutely stunning, so I look forward to hearing about your future goals to improve these characters!

Can you please do one Tutorial on how you do clothing. Just 1 example to show, maybe add a generic glove or something. Thanks

Sure thing! After the content update is done (female + additional cloth) I’ll see to it. Do you prefer a written tutorial or a video?

I am gonna answer your questions one by one:

I’ll keep posting WIP of the female character going forward. I’ll keep you guys posted about the progress. There will be new cloth assets (e.g. a medieval clock is planned + some modern military cloth to expand the current military cloth).

Generally just tell me what you need the most :slight_smile: That way there’s no guessing involved what costumers actually want to see.

The UE4 mannequin doesn’t have any morph targets. So it would not work out of the box. You would need to add those to function correctly.

That’s why this pack will be expanded. So that you have more options to choose from. Also it is meant as a starting point so that you can add your own cloth to it, too.

Thanks. Always nice to hear :slight_smile:

That would be incredible. A video preferably. Thank so much.

What do you use by the way, 3ds, maya, blender?

Personally I do use Maya LT and Substance Painter. For the creation of the cloth assets this workflow was used: Marvelous Designer -> ZBrush -> Maya -> Substance Painter.

Thank you for your swift and thorough reply! I will be sure to continue to keep an eye on your work. I am very excited to see what you implement next!

Thanks! I’ll make sure to keep you all posted about the progress.

I’d like to see a full featured Pro (much more expensive, of course) version of this that had all the bells and whistles (multiple body shapes, bipedal non-human races, hairstyles, tattoos, & etc) so that it could be dropped into a game without the need for extension or modification. Alternatively, additional models and decorations could be broken out into smaller addons whereby users could select various character looks to suit their specific game design.

The idea was to have a basic set of assets to work with to get you started. Adding more and more content to the product over time. In addition to that, assets like these will be made compatible with the character creator, too:

I am currently looking into the best way to approach this. The new Asset Management Framework (which was early access in 4.16 and is now ready) looks very promising to realize this.

It would be nice if we could get a feature for body shapes (slim, medium, normal, big, huge), and then a fantasy creature base body would be nice, something like dwarfs and elves :slight_smile:

Different body shapes are on the todo list. They will eventually be implemented. Elves (depending on what you want) could be easy. Just by making the ears longer.

Dwarfs on the other are hard to implement. Since they have a different height. That also means that none of the existing clothing would work for them. If I implement them at some time that time is way down the road.

You could just scale existing proportions. I think when it comes to dwarfs the face and hands could be different, add long beards, and voila.

@order66 Do you have any plans for different skin tones/races?

Hello this character creator looks awesome, is it possible to customize your character then export to zbrush to create armor and other clothing ?

I would purchase this in an instant if you gave a tutorial on HOW TO create our own clothings/hairstyles/whatever. You said that this is meant to be a starting point, but unfortunately, I don’t know where to go with it. If you could show how you created one of the clothing assets and how to implement it, that would give me the freedom to create whatever I wanted without having to beg for more updates, haha. I am not asking you to share all your secrets on how to create such a great tool/product, but a few tips/tricks would go a far way in getting myself and others to attempt to build off of your base characters.