Cascaded Shadow in UE5

UE5 by default is using VSM so I set the primary shadow method as classic shadow map to use it.
I set dynamic shadow distance to 0 , messing around the settings , but strange thing happened . I know 0 distance = disabling dynamic shadows . But the fact was that it looked like being using VSM method . Yes I can understand , for ‘ShadowMapMethod’ sets priority rather than forbidding . But there’re differences between a Distance-Zero CSM and a VSM . You can see the corner here and the transition here is different . I wonder what caused it

Round corner and soft transition = Distance-Zero CSM
No corner and hard transition = VSM

lol Sorry guys I’d asked a stupid question .
I’d forgotten this is not a priority issue of VSM and CSM. Although I am indeed curious about the circumstances under which the first priority method is abandoned. This is purely due to static shadow. Rounded corners and transitions are a matter of resolution.

Oh no . Guys it really exists . It’s not static shadow . Even if I’d disabled static lighting it’s still here. I guess it’s VSM . Can anyone explain this to me ?

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