Capturing "heard sounds" of an Actor

Hello everyone,
Recently I’ve been getting into gamedev and decided to give it a try (so as a disclaimer - I’m pretty new to all of this :slight_smile: )

The game I’m making revolves around mini-game puzzles that the player can solve in multiple ways (in a pretty short - fast paced manner).

Part of my plan for this game includes the following idea -
I want players to be able to view the way they’ve solved a level.

How do I want to achieve it? -
I created a web frontend and backend server with websockets implementation and I had set up the connection with my Unreal Engine.

I had succeeded in creating a custom CPP class to capture the player’s camera - serialising it (by turning into byte array) and successfully sending it over to the backend and displaying it in the frontend (“video” - a series of images in essence).

However I am having issues figuring out how I should write a CPP class in order to capture the sounds heard by the actor and serialising them - I’ve tried researching and encountered a few concepts such as AudioLink, MetaSounds etc but I’m not sure if they’re relevant or how to use them correctly to achieve my goal.

Do you guys have any suggestions or a direction I should check out (such as a particular parent class to base my component on)?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Thingy is called “listener” google it, and look in code, you may get some leads about how it is implemented.

Oh I see, do you mean the Audio Listener? (Audio Listener Override and etc.)

Hey, bumping this up.

I’ve made some progress in making a custom actor component that receives a submix (I’m routing all game audio through that submix) , then in the cpp code I’m attaching a custom Sound Effect Submix Preset to the submix and trying to convert the submix received audio into byte array.

This approach sadly still doesn’t result in achieving my goal, clearly I’m not getting something right here.

Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks in advance!