Can't start C++ projects when UE is compiled from source

Hello! I’ve grabbed the UE4 source code from the release branch on github, ran Setup.bat then GenerateProjectFiles.bat then compiled using the latest version of Visual Studio 2019. Everything was running perfectly smooth until I tried to create a Third Person C++ Project.

First, the project was created but didn’t start, only Visual Studio started. I thought “that was pretty weird” then tried to launch it again from UE4Editor.exe.

Then, I got this


After pressing yes, I got this


some links I found that were semi-helpful:

Above link is a kind of similar issue, but from 2016.

Above link is someone with the same exact issue. The only person that responded pointed them to [here][3]. They’re using Linux tho. Does anyone know the solution for the Windows equivalent of this?

If you are using VS Community as your game source code editor, then simply

  1. open .sln, it opens in VS Community, right click on your game name, click build, Done.
    Now your project will open.

If you are using VS Code as your code editor,
Then, open UE4, set VS Community as your Source code editor in Editor Preferences, then, right click on your game .uproject file, Click on Generate Source files, then simply do above 1)