Hey All,
I’m attempting to use a modified USceneCaptureComponentCube to create quick 360 monoscopic renders with post processing, which works fine, but for some reason I can’t change rotation of the 360 capture to choose a specific direction to be in the center of the render. Rotating the component or the actor does nothing, and I’m wondering if always renders from a set rotation. Any one have any ideas? I’d rather not manually remake the bit array of the rendered image if I don’t have to.
Came up with an alternate solution. I can just modify the order of the FColor data array that is pulled from the CaptureCube render data to fake rotation. Worked like a charm.
I needed to do this and came up with another solution, and thought i would post it here.
If you are building UE4 from source, a small edit to
void FScene::UpdateSceneCaptureContents(USceneCaptureComponentCube* CaptureComponent)
can change USceneCaptureComponentCube to use the orientation of the component.
just change (line ~818)
const FMatrix ViewRotationMatrix = FLocal::CalcCubeFaceTransform(TargetFace);
FTransform Transform = CaptureComponent->GetComponentToWorld();
const FMatrix ViewRotationMatrix = Transform.ToInverseMatrixWithScale() * Local::CalcCubeFaceTransform(TargetFace);
its kind of a hack, but it works
note that you have to be building from source (ie. github) or changes you make to ue4 source won’t be compiled