When I select direct light as an actor used for the skysphere and I move the light, I can’t refresh the material (sun stays at the same position and different from the direct light). I would like the sun light to automatically follow the direct light.
Hi Aravil01,
In this particular BP you will need to hit the Refresh Material checkbox for the Sky Sphere to update the location of the Directional Light. When this button is hit it will update the material of the sky sphere to set the sun disk where the directional lights position would be.
If you need something like a moving sun in your game for day/night cycle there are a number of tutorials on YouTube and a free project I have here for download after setting up Gregdumb’s version from the UE4 Wiki and making some adjustments. [TUTORIALS] Photons Be Free: Mini-tutorials and other curiosities - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums
I hope this helps.
the problem is that the checkbox doesn’t react (I can’t click it), but I will look at the link you provided. Thanks
The checkbox will not stay checked. As soon as it’s clicked it just refreshes the material for the Sky Sphere. I should have been clear about that. So if you rotate the light. and hit the Refresh Material box it will simply update the material to move the position of the sun disc to the new location.
after several attempts, it finally works
I know it started working for you but i have a trick you can use if you run into this problem again.
you have to link your sky sphere to your directional light. to do this look under the default menu in the details panel, underneath the refresh material button. there you will see directional light. click the eyedropper symbol next to the magnifying glass. then click on the directional light you want it to link to.
Once you have done that, click the refresh material button again and everything should work out just fine.
I am still having this issue and last patch do not work.
I’m having the same issues but none of these are helping. I even tried using the eyedropper symbol to connect to my only directional light then refreshing material box again but nothing happens. Please help thanks