I’m using world composition. I’m not able to make my all of my levels visible in the levels window. When i select all my levels, and then try to make them visible, only a few of them gets visible and most of them stay hidden.
I have the same problem and was searching around and found this:
In a nutshell: your world is probably too big and that’s why not all are visible simultaneously. I’m new to UE4 and I imported a HUGE area of tiles and I can’t view them all, but I noticed that the only tiles which could be viewed together were one’s adjacent to one another. Going to try and do a smaller one soon, but thought I would pass this along. Hope it’s helpful.
Any more luck on this topic? I have need to create a huge 125km x 125km map. I definitely know this is possible with level streaming, proper LOD-ing, good light settings, world composition and origin shifting, and other common optimizations to the levels being streamed. There are plenty of games that have accomplished huge maps before.