Can't draw navmesh on runtime

Hello guys,

I’ve been looking for solutions since days, but I had no success. I’m working on a personal VR project. I have a cabin (Porter in world outliner), basically an elevator in space. This would move between two modules of a space station, so everything inside is dynamic. It seems to me that moving the nav mesh bounds shouldn’t be a problem as long as AI doesn’t need to use it. However, I can’t make it work even without any actual motion applied.

First of all, the “Draw Navmesh” option doesn’t save in project settings, so every time you start play, the recastnavmesh goes to default defined by project settings (which is "Draw Navmesh: false)

This is super frustrating, because I managed to teleport around inside this cabin before, but next time I opened the project it broke again (teleport arc’s are short).

How should I begin debugging? I want “Draw Navmesh: true” so that I at least see if it’s there or not, but I can’t make that save inside the project settings. I even checked to manually rewrite inside the “EngineDefault.ini”, but there is no line for draw navmesh, which seems very odd to me.

I really appreciate any help in advance.

Have a great day,

Hi, I’m not sure nav-meshes can work on moving objects, I got around this in my train game by moving the player using the standard movement implemented inside the default character class you use for any FPS game, rather than using the HMDLocomotionPawn.

THank you for ur reply!

I’m not sure either… Hmm, maybe if I move it out of the object parenting?

In any case, the project settings issue that I described above is bugging me. Is this how it works for you? Can you enable draw nav mesh in project settings? Does it save that setting?

Thx again

I have enabled the nav mesh and dynamic setting which both seem to save fine and are still checked after restarting my project. Are you able to get these to save on another project?

Got it, Thank you.

I’ve tried an other project, where everything I change in the project settings is saved and works after a restart. So I don’t know why my project settings dont save (even settings under Engine - Navigation Mesh - Runtime dont get saved).

However, I’ve found a reason why my nav mesh doesn’t work ingame. It happens if I add Supported Agents in project settings/navigation system.

What I find odd is that these settings specifically seem to have to be saved manually, as opposed to being saved automatically with the rest of the project settings. Are you manually saving yours using the ‘Save All’ button on the content browser?

Yes, I do save all from the file menu. There is one more thing breaking the nav mesh to me. I activate “is dynamic obstacle” inside a static mesh and that mesh stops being recognized by the navmesh. Probably I’m missing something, but it supposed to help with dynamic navmesh generation. I did solve the elevator tho, the only problem is that when it’s moving, I teleport 20cm into the floor due to the lagg. But i consider that acceptable.