Can't activate lumen (Upgrade from ue4 to ue5)

I just upgraded my project to ue5 but i somehow can’t acitvate lumen as the global illumination method. This is what it looks like for me:

I don’t know what I am missing here. Looks like a simple problem but I could not find any solutions online.
Do you have any idea whats wrong here?

Is this any good?


Thanks for your response. This does, unfortunately, not help me. I have Generate Mesh Distance Fields activatet but I cant click the drop down for Dynamic Global Illumination Method as it is described in the article.


Trigger Warning: I found a solution but I feel this is not the right way to solve it. :sweat_smile:
I did what is described here: Upgrading Your Project to UE5 | Talks and demos under the headline " Changing Your DefaultEngine.ini". So I first changed the global illumination method on the config folder manually. And this actually changed it to lumen also in the editor. But I still was not able to click the drop-down nor change any other lumen settings. Then I wanted to change the other settings as well this way. But smart as I am I just copied the settings seen on the site above. Afterward I read that these settings should be added to the ones already there… :D. But turns out now it works. So I can now change the settings in the editor. Don’t really know what’s going on. But I just added the settings I deleted back on in the editor. And now everything seems to be working fine. I am still interested in how this should be solved appropiate tho :sweat_smile:

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