Cannot turn collisions off of UEFN Epic made Fortnite props


Any collision channel changes on the Static Mesh Component of an Epic Games made Fortnite prop do not work in game.
Additionally, the stopgap “No Collision” option to turn off all collisions on an Epic made Fortnite prop does not work correctly.

It is weird because this is only an issue with Epic made Fortnite props.
Custom imported assets, and static mesh component collision channels of blueprints work correctly.

The only work around I can think of is to rip assets from the game and make blueprints for each item.
Epic even suggests doing this as a solution for using Epic Games made Fortnite props with Scene Graph (for now).

Please fix this long standing, well documented and previously reported bug. I do not want to have to resort to ripping Fortnite assets :frowning:

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Drag any FortniteGame.FortPlaysetPropItemDefintion prop into the scene.
  2. Either change the collision channel to “No Collision” on the instance’s StaticMeshComponent, or, check “No Collision” under the “Mesh” category on the instance.
  3. Start the game.

Expected Result

The player or collision object type should pass through the prop (not collide).

Observed Result

The player or collision object type collide with the prop, but ONLY while moving (walking/crouching/jumping. Looking around is fine). Collisions seem to rapidly turn on and off, resulting in “glitchy” movement and the incorrect collision behaviour.


Windows 10/11, pc

Additional Notes

The same thing is happening to me with the Swamp Nature Gallery. I checked no collisions, which didn’t work. I went into the static mesh and changed the collision to NoCollision, but after pushing, it changed it back to custom.

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Posting the old ticket here for tracking. We were unable to reproduce this here, but we’ll take another look. I’ll let you know if we need more info. FORT-861812

Could we get a video of what you’re seeing @hoskijdev?

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Thanks for the quick reply @Flak. Here is a video of the issue. (skip to 2:00 for in game testing)

Thank you so much, @hoskijdev

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Hey @Flak :wave:
Is there any update on whether someone is looking at this?
Being able to turn off collisions for some props is really critical for the map I’m making.
Here is another report from the past if it helps:

Checking on status.

It is still being investigated.

Ticket: FORT-861812 - You can follow here: The props without collisions don't work as expected - #11 by Bug-Reporter

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