Cannot build lighting


I’m using 4.16.3 version and I have a problem with bulding lightning. I have over 4000 unbuilt objects on my scene, and every time when I try to build lighting, I get errors:

Map check finds some errors!
Wordl_Settings1 Maps neeed lightining rebuilt!

That’s all and I don;t know what should I do. Can you give me some advise?

The problem is I get that error even I build only lightning and I don’t know how to solve it.

i get the same error when i try and do a full map build with unbuilt lighting. a full build first checks the entire map and finds unbuilt objects. it then generates the error. then, because of process order, it builds the lighting and everything should be fine. if you do a lightmaps only build you shouldn’t get that error. i wouldn’t worry about it though.

hmm. i found this, this, and this. are any of them similar to your issue?

That’s how it looks. I tried to duplicate project but it didn’t work at all.

Maybe the problem is I don’t have any material or textures on my objects?

unless you removed the default material on them then they should have something. you could try making a basic material and see if it fixes the issue. it’s also possible it has something to do with the wardrobe warning.

I created material and applied it for all of the objects on my scene. I deleted wardrobe too, but still I got that error.

I found that thread: Lightning Build Failed. Swarm Failed to Kick off - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums

I tried to delete point lights on my scene - didn’t work.
Tried to apply material on all elemnts on objects - didn’t work.

My swarm agent is starting when I building lightning. Tried to find UE4.sln on my drive but Windows can find it.

I don’t know what I have to do. Should I install other version of engine and try then?

My swarm log:

20:33:28: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
20:33:28: [Job] Accepted Job 1C674E64-4A0A9F80-2B8B6093-E99C5705
20:33:29: [Job] Launched Job UnrealLightmass_2017-08-03_16-34-29_1064896-64bit.exe
20:33:29: [Job]     PID is 6084
20:33:29: [Job]     GUID is "1C674E64-4A0A9F80-2B8B6093-E99C5705"
20:33:29: LogLightmass:Display: Lightmass Win64 started on: USER-PC. Command-line: 1C674E644A0A9F802B8B6093E99C5705
20:33:29: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/
20:33:29: Lightmass Win64 started on: USER-PC. Command-line: 1C674E644A0A9F802B8B6093E99C5705
20:33:29: LogLightmass:Display: Processing scene GUID: 1C674E644A0A9F802B8B6093E99C5705 with 3 threads
20:33:29: Processing scene GUID: 1C674E644A0A9F802B8B6093E99C5705 with 3 threads
20:33:29: Building static lighting...
20:33:29: [OpenConnection] Registering TCP channel ...
20:33:29: [OpenConnection] Connecting to agent ...
20:33:29: [TryOpenConnection] Testing the Agent
20:33:29: [TryOpenConnection] Opening Connection to Agent
20:33:29: [TryOpenConnection] Local Process ID is 6084
20:33:29: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 6084
20:33:29: [Job]     7D8E0816 -> 66DF080C
20:33:29: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
20:33:36: Measured CPU frequency: 3.00 GHz
20:33:36: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
20:33:36: Number of texture mappings: 377
20:33:36: Number of fluid mappings:   0
20:33:36: Number of landscape mappings:   0
20:33:36: Number of BSP mappings:     0
20:33:36: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 377
20:33:44: Scene surface area calculated at 49.407 million units (75.800% of the estimated 65.181 million units)
20:33:44: Importance volume surface area calculated at 49.407 million units (0.000% of the estimated 0.000 million units)
20:33:44: Windows GetLastError: Operacja ukoLogWindows:Warning: CreateProc failed (2) ../../../Engine/Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe "C:/Users/USER/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.16/Saved/Swarm/Engine/Programs/UnrealLightmass/Saved/Crashes/_0000" -AppName=UE4-UnrealLightmass -CrashGUID=_0000 -DebugSymbols=..\..\..\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols
20:33:44: [Job] Job has failed! Job executable didn't exit cleanly. Exit code: -1066598274
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 7D8E0816 using handle 7D8E0816
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 7D8E0816
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Closing orphaned Job (1C674E64-4A0A9F80-2B8B6093-E99C5705)
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Orphaning local connection (7D8E0816 is the parent of 66DF080C)
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 7D8E0816
20:33:44: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 7D8E0816 with no message
20:33:44: [MaintainConnections] Detected dropped local connection, cleaning up (66DF080C)
20:33:44: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (7D8E0816)
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 66DF080C using handle 66DF080C
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 66DF080C
20:33:44: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 66DF080C
20:33:44: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 7D8E0816
20:33:44: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 66DF080C with no message
20:33:45: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (66DF080C)
20:33:45: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 66DF080C
20:33:45: [MaintainConnections] All connections have closed

My swarm log: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Tried to delete SwarmCache - still don’t work.

i would start by making a new level, putting a few basic things in it, and trying to build that. keep going until something breaks. if it doesn’t work from the beginning then try a new project.

I’m going to throw this out there, because it works. You just need to have a PC and a Mac, or a Mac running Windows via Bootcamp (I suppose an emulator might work, I keep ten feet or more away from them myself).

All you do is, copy the project to the other system from where the lighting won’t build. Boot up the project on the alternate system, run the lighting build, and voila’, it works - you hope. Copy said project back to the system you’re creating on, and your lighting is not only built, but will be buildable again on the system it broke on before you did the OS switcher-roo.

I don’t question why this works, I just know it’s saved me countless hours and leagues of frustration I used to face when the lighting breaks. Which it always does at some point it seems. Usually, near the end when lighting is most complex and the game is almost done. This actually just happened again last night. Worked the switcher-roo = Hi, Murphy. Bye, Murphy.