I’m having issues with my AI moving in a super “uniform” manner. If I have a group of AI that all have different starting locations (that are somewhere near each other) and I give them the same ending location, they will eventually end up walking in a single file line toward the target location. This is especially true when they need to round any kind of corner together.
I figure the root of this issue is because they are all trying to calculate the cheapest possible path to the target. If there’s a corner, they will all figure the cheapest way around that corner is to hug the apex and then end up walking in a single file line towards the location.
My question is how can I change that? How can I make my AI not act so uniform and robotic? Is there a way to randomize what each of them calculate to be the cheapest possible path? Is there a different out of the box suggestion to avoid this? A blueprint or C++ suggestion is appreciated.
Thank you