This is something I had for a long time in my project and I don’t have any idea how to fix it.
This circle is everywhere in reflections, It looks like to be the spectator actor which is visible and I can’t find the option to hide that. On development builds to shipping, inside engine and also in shipping builds.
My game is about to publish and I can figure this tiny thing out.
Here is a video with the case happening on a sample material:
Hey, you saved me and got me closer to get rid of this!
I found that unlinking PixelDepthOffset node fixes the problem, but I lose so many details such as normals of the material completely and it does not looks good after disconnecting node.
I have no experience in materials and I can’t fix it by myself. There’s a ParallaxOcclusionMapping with a MaterialTextureSize scalar parameter connected to PixelDepthOffset node (indirectly) which scales that circle by changing it’s float. But if I set it to zero, it covers whole material and by setting it to a big float, it gets smaller but also still visible. Do you have any idea what can I do in this situation?