Can I use content made in Blender?

I am making a game that in a future I would like to sell, also I have the Unreal Unlimited plan of Quixel for Megascans. But, I am not sure if I can use content made in Blender in my game. This content is only the shape of the building, gun, etc… I will apply the textures on UE.

My doubt can be summarize in the following questions:
Can I use the megascans of Quixel in content made in Blender that I will use in UE? Can I sell a game made in UE which has content made in Blender?

Yes, you defintely use stuff made in Blender and yes you can defintely use Megascans stuff in your game. Bear in mind that I see A LOT of people having problems getting assets from Blender to UE, so get the really clear first.

Epic actually did a vid about it, maybe because it crops up so much:

Thanks for the answer. Do you know if I can use the textures of Quixel in Blender in order to use the final result in UE? It is because for complex geometries it is easier to work in Blender than in UE.

Technically, the Quixel stuff should only be processed in UE.

Good to know. Thanks again.

From the quixel page (when you search for quixel ue4):

You may use other tools at various
stages in your pipeline, as long as
the final product is in Unreal Engine.

I really appreciate the information. Thanks!