Can anyone give me suggestions to improve this?

In one of the first scenes it looks like your water is tiling too much, i seen some fog lines lods or trails idk. and in the last scene all the trees bark lines up looks the same. You could add some moss to the rock in the middle of the water to give it an extra touch. It looks good overall though. Just from a devs eye theyre improvement suggestions and not criticism. Big Mountain looks spot on perfect. And the last water thats deep blue is nice.

The thing I noticed the most was how the lake rock stood out and made the water look lifeless.
I would suggest a planar reflection to do away with that.
possibly also add a fade by distance to the water plane to cause the immidiate vicinity to any mesh to be more transparent /opaque like IRL. (Youd need to enable distance field project wide).

The campfire needs more particles since it looks a bit like its exploding rather then a campfire.

I think the reason one can notice the tiling on the trees is that the foliage has been applied as 1:1.
you should probably enable some small amounts of randomization in tilts, size, rotations and just change it with the reapply foliage tool. That’ll break up the uniformity.

in more detail.
Scene 1. Super tiled water. Filed of view is off. Can’t really tell what the focus is on.

Scene 2. Pretty perfect. And short enough not to need wind or anything. (So if you add wind save this take out).

Scene 3.
lods popping in. Fire, rock, lake water, also, maybe passing the camera over the fire is not a good idea?
you probably won’t be able to get a consistent particle to always be the same during the flyover so you may capture a shot and have some artifacts from time to time come into the camera…

Scene 4.
no grass wind? Trees too uniform as mentioned above and still. Maybe apply a little wind too?

Overall this is good stuff!