Hello all, I’m getting into C++ and I realized I was adding many logs. The line to print a log is quite long, so I came up with a shorter version.
UE_LOG(LogDedicatedServer, Warning, TEXT("This is a log"));
My idea was to move this to a common place to be used throughout the whole project.
First we need to add a new macro, you can do it in any header file:
#define LOG(Message) UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("[%s:%d] - %s"), *FString(__FUNCTION__), *FString::FromInt(__LINE__), *Message)
This will allow to log by using the following line:
LOG("This is a log test");
Now the question is, how to add parameters to it? What if I want to log a constant text with a variable?
The next macro comes in hand:
#define LOG_P1(Message, Param1) LOG(FString::Printf(TEXT(Message), *Param1))
Now, to use this:
LOG_P1("[%s] Trying to load items but not on server", CharacterName);
How the file looks with a method for two parameters:
#define LOG(Message) UE_LOG(LogDedicatedServer, Warning, TEXT("[%s:%d] - %s"), *FString(__FUNCTION__), *FString::FromInt(__LINE__), *Message)
#define LOG_P1(Message, Param1) LOG(FString::Printf(TEXT(Message), *Param1))
#define LOG_P2(Message, Param1, Param2) LOG(FString::Printf(TEXT(Message), *Param1, *Param2))
How to use it:
LOG("There was an error when updating database!");
LOG_P1("[%s] Trying to load items but not on server", CharacterName);
LOG_P2("About to update item [%s] location for [%s] ...", ItemUniqueId, CharacterName);
Hope this helps!