Building scene before or after move the project files to other PC

Hello Unreals! :wink:

I have a question, I have 2 computers for a project (“PC” and “Laptop”), i work in the PC (best machine) but i need to move the project files to the Laptop because was signed from USB by the S6 (GearVR) and I can deploy the .apk without SIGNING errors.

— To here all is OK —

The Question is when i need to build the lights and scene:

Option A

  • I work in the PC
  • I build lights and scene in the PC
    (faster than Laptop)
  • I move the project files to the
  • /Content
  • /Config
  • /Source
  • *.uproject
  • I deploy to .apk from the Laptop

Option B

  • I work in the PC
  • I move the project files to the
  • /Content
  • /Config
  • /Source
  • *.uproject
  • I build lights and scene in the
    Laptop (slower than PC)
  • I deploy to .apk from the Laptop

Option C

  • I work in the PC
  • I move the project files to the
  • /Content
  • /Config
  • /Source
  • *.uproject
  • I deploy to .apk from the Laptop with
    option Full rebuild checked (I don´t
    know if it work from build final
    scene and render)

I think the correct method is Opcion B, Always make a full rebuild in the Machine that will do the deployment.
Someone can confirm it?

Thank you so much, regards.

Hi SergioAra,

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it and, thus, the issue is now outdated. If you are still experiencing this issue in the current release of the Engine, please make a new post for assistance.



Thank you . :wink: