Building lighting

Hi! I am new to Unreal Engine 4 and I read a little bit of the documentation and I have a question about building the light. If I build the lighting for some objects, let’s say 10 objects, then I place another 20 objects, when I will build again the lighting will it build also the first 10 objects or just the 20 new ones? Thank you for spending your time reading this and I apologize for my English.

Yes, it will have to re-calculate the lighting. If you are have a static scene, build lights and then make modifications it will invalidate your previous light build and re-calculate lighting from your directional light, spotlights or pointlights when you built the lights again. However, if you are not creating a project where performance is the main priority you can try a dynamic lighting scene could work better for you, this removes the requirement for light maps and allows all lighting to be ran at real-time via the GPU.

For more information check out this Lighting Troubleshooting Guide: