So my rendering takes a long time, like I had to leave it on over night for it to finish, It shouldn’t be like that, my computer is plenty powerful enough, and the game I’m making really is not incredibly graphically advanced. I really have no idea what to do, I heard about level streaming which as far as I know loads in different parts of the level for the player at a time and makes it so the map is broken up into pieces and can be compiled easier but I have no idea how to set it up and there are no tutorials on the subject. Does anyone know whats wrong here?
one thing i noticed helps tremendously with lighting is turning off shadows on lights and objects that dont need them
It can take a while, This completely depends on how you’ve set up your scene and what needs to be done.
When static lighting is building, you need to make sure that you’re using Lightmass Importance Volume(s) around your playable areas (this does not mean scale them super large, that’s not going to help), Lower the lightmap resolution of your static meshes, reduce the number of meshes you have in the scene, disable shadow casting for some of the lights.
These are just a few things. Lightmass is a very CPU intensive process and it can take a while, especially if you have a lot of lights and objects that need to be calculated. While your CPU power and the amount of RAM you have installed play a part, they can only do so so much before it’s just a matter of waiting it out.
If you’re using larger levels and level streaming it’s probably better to use Dynamic Lighting only.
For level streaming you can read the documentation here: World Composition User Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation