So I have followed [this instruction][1] to build the lighting in command line because I want to make a .bat so that I can deploy it on Jenkins. But I keep getting the error saying ERROR: No target name was specified on the command-line. I want to know how can I fix it. How to specified it? (Sorry, my company not allowing me to spoil the title name, let’s pretend to call it Shoothim4)
I have tried:
.\RunUAT.bat RebuildLightmaps -project=“D:\Shoothim4.uproject” -allmaps
.\RunUAT.bat RebuildLightmaps -project=“D:\Shoothim4.uproject” MapsToRebuildLightMaps=Debug_BootMenu
.\RunUAT.bat RebuildLightmaps -project=“D:\Shoothim4.uproject” -targets=“Debug_BootMenu”
with or without quotation marks. I also tried targets to Shoothim4.Target.cs