Build light only not working

Hi I am having problem with build lighting only in ue4 it does not let meet select it all all whenever I add any light into my scene and even build all has no effect on my scene. I can not ad any lighting into my scene as it will not build, I have tried the sample levels and they work perfectly no problems at all it is only on my scene it is not working.


Hi Harjm,

Is this only happening in the project or any project that you’ve created?

I’ve not been able to reproduce this on my end. Can you try a couple of things to see if this helps?

  • Under Build lighting, are you able to set the light build quality? If so can you change the quality from preview to medium as a test. Then instead of hitting the option for “build lighting only” hit the Build button in the tool bar where the drop down starts. This should start the build lighting process.
  • Can you try starting a new project, anything really, and see if you have the option and can build lighting in one of those (the starter templates work good for this since everything is already set up)?

If that doesn’t solve the issue let me know and we can try some other things.

Thank you!


Hi Tim thanks for replying and have tried what you said but it still does not let me build any lighting and it works perfectly in a new project and the starter templates just my scene it is happening with.

Okay. That’s good to know.

Can you open your projects folder (typically in Documents > Unreal Projects > Your Project) and delete the Saved and Intermediate folders? Make a backup if you need or if you have edited any of the config.ini files in here. More than likely something may have gotten corrupted or wrongly set in the ini files and this should reset everything.

Give that a shot and let me know. :slight_smile:


Just tried it deleted the folders but still does not let me build lighting

Hey Harj

I found a possible solution to the problem.

In your Unreal Projects folder look for the Config folder and open your Default Engine.

Scroll down to [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] and then look for r.AllowStaticLighting=True It should be set to true not false, I tried it and got the same result. Strangely that option isn’t in another project of mine :confused:

Hope that helps :slight_smile:


Thanks Livingdeadjedi that worked perfectly I can now build my lighting.