BUG UE5 Marketplace menus fail click, do nothing, Launcher macOS M1 Max

“Marketplace” store menus fail all clicks on items, clicks do nothing in Epic Games Launcher version 14.0.7 on macOS M1 Max, cannot search UE5 assets or browse or click or see any content at all within store in “Launcher”. It is as if click is not happening… Details below.
Anyone know how to fix this? Happening May 7th, 2022.
Please add to this post here if you have anything similar happening.

The rest of the Launcher works fine, other tabs, like “Samples” tab — but cannot do anything at all within the UE5 Marketplace… Stuck in Marketplace > Home > Showcase with nothing happening by clicking on anything shown. Content scrolls, menu contents show when mouse pointer hovers over them and menu items highlight within — but no click works anywhere.

Products shown in Marketplace underneath have overlay animation when you hover over them with the mouse — bug clicking on any square showing a product fails to show its detail, click does not happen.

Only click that happens is the “Shopping Cart”, which shows its contents overlay. Can we report this Bug to programmers for the Epic Games Launcher (macOS version)? It’s pretty important that the “store” doesn’t work inside it.

…Only workaround I have figured out is to go to Safari, log-in to Marketplace Store there to browse through it… Add anything to ‘Shopping Cart’ within Safari and then go back to the Epic Games Launcher and click on the “Shopping Cart” there which makes that buying transaction actually continue without any problem — but browsing is impossible without the clicks in the Launcher. So, use the web, add to cart, go back to Launcher and finish.

Unreal Engine Launcher
version 14.0.7 on macOS M1 Max
Unreal Engine 5 version 5.0.1

A similar problem was reported back in December 2021 but is labelled UE4 Marketplace and has no specifics on platform.

…I reported this bug to the Launcher Marketplace Support today…

…Am including a link to this post in the bug report, for support & developers to see details here so they can fix the bug and see any feedback from anyone else added on this post.

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Hei, take a look here: Unreal marketplace section of Epic games launcher unresponsive

Had the same issue, this fixed it. Basically if something in your network (pihole, fw rules etc) blocks tracking.epicgames.com access (or DNS resolve) then the marketplace menus do not work.