[Bug] Gamma changes between PIE and Viewport


I am having this kind of a difference in lighting in viewport and PIE mode(and standalone as well):

The left side is viewport and the right half Play in Standalone Game.
Only the building and ground are static meshes, there are 6 movable spotlights and only Global PostProcess. It happens without the fog, ambient cubemap and SSR as well, and i’ve checked all the flags regarding lighting and PP in the viewport.

This happens the other way around in the simple default daylight map that comes with blank project.(lighter in viewport, darker in PIE)

It seems like eye adaptation isn’t working in the viewport even though it is enabled, and i can’t disable eye adaptation in PIE even if i delete the global PP.

System Specs:

OS: Windows 7

Ram: 8GB

Graphics Card: GTX 460 / 1GB Driver version 320.49

UAC: Off

Hey Mehmet,

I’ve tried duplicating this and can’t seem to get it. Is there any particular settings you are using for your global PP?

Best Regards,


Hey Ryan,

Thanks for looking into this. In this level I am using pretty much the same global postprocess volume as the default map, except that i added a cubemap and switched AA to FXAA. It still happens when i remove the cubemap though, and even when i get rid of the PP all together. Eye adaptation just doesnt seem to be working in the viewport. : I can see the changes in real time when i tweak lens flare or bloom intensity, but it doesnt update exposure offset for eye adaptation.

However, about an hour ago i created a new project and everything seems to be working so far; i’ll just have to remake the level. I’d still like to know how i managed to break it though…i’ll post it if i figure it out.

Thanks again!

Well it happened again. The second project broke down as well after restarting Rocket 2-3 times. Automatic exposure stops working in viewport. I’m on a third project now and i’ll work on a different and simpler level for a while and see how it goes.

Right, still don’t know why it is happening but i managed to fix it. I restored the Perspective view and turned the view mode to wireframe, so i had 4 ortographic wireframe viewports. Then i switched back to perspective and turned Lit mode on and eye adaptation came back.

Hey Mehmet,

Can we get the specifications of your system this is occurring on?

Best Regards,



OS: Windows 7 / 64bit

UAC: Off

CPU: i5 3570

Ram: 8GB

Graphics Card: GTX 460 / 1GB Driver version 320.49

Storage: 120GB SSD

It hasn’t happened again in any of those projects i fixed since that day, even after several restarts.

If this happens again, please let us know.

Will do, thanks.