"update, I found that there are some rendering scalability options that need to be manually changed “CVAR”
I’ve been optimizing and testing multiple settings for post processing volume, in-game graphics settings with higher quality and lower consumption, project rendering settings. I managed to get a 50% reduction in GPU consumption without losing quality and FPS. Even so 50% for an empty level only with a mesh cube, Directional light, the volume and atmospheric fog and the sky light at 75hz at 1920x1080 is too high for a GTX 1060 6GB, what is missing for me to lose one consumption of at least 20%???
Looking at the GPU in the task manager will tell you nothing. You need to use the engine profile tools.
You need to look at your frame rate.
What do you get in the default first/third person template? You should be aiming for that, something like 120fps.
If it drops a lot and you only have a cube in your scene, then you are doing something wrong. If you only have a cube and a PP, then 80fps would be a big drop.
You can find out what the GPU is doing by profiling a frame. Just press CTRL-SHIFT-,
Then you can open up the large chunks and see what’s going on
I found that the problem was the TAA MainUpsampling, it is indeed consuming a lot of computational power, that’s why I had found it strange when I unchecked the infinite box option in the post processing volume and I had no cost reduction. should I change it to MSAA or decrease the amount of samples, is there any command to decrease the number of samples??
I already had a problem with bloom and I stopped using the “Convulsion” method because it uses a lot of the GPU, but it seems that it still consumes a lot and these commands don’t seem to have worked:
but if i turn off Bloom, niagra stops working correctly. And if I try to set these options in DefaultEngine.ini it also returns this error:
Setting the console variable ‘r.something…’ with ‘SetByScalability’ was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous ‘SetByProjectSetting’. Value remains ‘0’
I’m trying to make my game able to run on an Intel HD 9800 or Intel HD 630, which currently even starting a project with a default template and with the minimum setting “excluding scalability from rendering and resolution” the game is unable to run because it is too heavy.