Broken texture files for different formats after 3D-model export

When I am exporting 3D models, the textures are broken when saving e.g. 3D-tiles or .obj files. I have tried both to export the models as regular export, and by exporting LOD, with the same result.

In RC everything looks fine and this problem does not occur when exporting the model as .fbx.

When looking at the 3D-model I see that the broken shapes in the textures matches wierd shape patches inside the texture files at the corresponding locations. This makes me wonder if something is broken in how the textures are saved for some formats.

In the images you can see 3D-models imported to Unreal Engine, and it’s corresponding texture image.

Model 1:

Model 2:

As mentioned before, this does not happen when .fbx is used during export. I would like to be able to export 3D-tiles, but the textures unfortunately look terrible where different broken shapes pop up for different detail levels when looking at them in the Cesium plugin in Unreal.

Hello @LiU-AK
This is really strange. Can you show the models and textures also inside RealityCapture and the exported texture files?
Also, what are your export settings?
Have you provided some corrections over the exported models (like filling holes)?
Is it possible to share that project with us?

I made a minimal test case where I import the images, create a normal mesh and then just texture it.
The model inside RC is perfect, and the texture looks good. The models exported using .fbx looks exactly the same as the one in reality capture when importing it to Unreal Engine. I have been trying to export the model in different formats and different export parameters with mostly the same results, but none other than .fbx is correct.

I just now tried to export .obj as parts, and that seems to get correct textures but everytime I import obj in Unreal, some strange culling on alot of polygons is going on, which does not seem to be backface culling, but something else.

I took some screenshots of a roundabout in the model:

Exported as .fbx:

Exported as .obj:

Exported as .obj as parts:

Image of a house in the obj-model. If I move up or downwards the currently culled house wall becomes visible.

As I said before, I actually want to use 3D-tiles but they also have texture problems. So I wonder if texture exports might be faulty.

Hi, can you try also direct import to Unreal Engine (without using the Cesium plugin) or use some other 3D viewer if the error is there?

I did. I also used new game instances in Unreal Engine to import the models into. Have you tried the exports? If you do not experience this problem with e.g. obj-files, could you then point me to a simple “tutorial” that you have and have tested it on which could be downloaded so that I can try it myself to start debugging what the problem could be?

I do not think another 3D viewer will solve the problem as the errors in the textures correspond to how certain shapes look like in the texture files.

I’ve tried OBJ export without such errors as you have:

The model in RealityCapture and Unreal Engine is basically the same.
I used ordinary export settings:

and during import the model I haven’t changed any of them.

I used the datasets from this CLI sample script: RealityCapture CLI Sample Scripts - Capturing Reality

Also, I mentioned the other viewer not to solve the issue, but to check, if the problem is also in other applications.

Which version of RealityCapture are you using?

Hello again,

Thank you for testing. I tried the sample script and I get the same results as before, i.e. that the textures are off. I had version 1.4.1 so I removed RC and then downloaded and updated to 1.5.0 but without any changes to the results. I have wiped the cache but it did not help. After the update I saw that my settings seemed to be the same as before the reinstall. Is there way to completely restore RC to default settings?

In Unreal it looked like this with .obj format:

And in RC it looked fine:

This seems to be the settings relate issue, as we are not able to reproduce it.
There you can find how to reset RealityCapture: Reset RealityCapture
Can you also share the export settings you are using?

Those seems to be ordinary settings.
Is it possible also to share the exported model with textures?

Sure. Where and how can I send a link to you? It is almost 4GB

I sent you the invitation for the data upload. Can you add there the exported model with texture, the project file and project folder there?

Sorry I had already reset RC to default settings and I did not save the project files. But I sent the model with textures. I am creating the model now with default settings.

Update: Still the same problem after resetting RC to default settings.

Thank you for your data.
I checked the model in Unreal Engine and I tried it import back to RealityCapture and it is OK.


So maybe it will be some issue with Unreal on your side. Therefore I mentioned to use also some other viewer to check.

Also it is good in Blender:

Ok, thank you for checking. Which version of UE are you trying it on. I am on 5.5.1

It was 5.3.2. I’ll check also in 5.5.1 later.

Alright. I will download and try it out in an earlier UE version next week. I just confirmed that everything looks good in Blender, so you were right in saying I should have tried it. So hopefully all formats will work better in another UE version.

Thank you so much for the help. I will let you know here how things work out in another UE version.

Hi @LiU-AK
I checked this also in 5.5.1 and the problem is, that there is ticket Nanite setting during importing the model into Unreal Engine. I unticked that and the model was imported properly.