In my project I have been trying to deal with my day/night cycle which I finally got to work for the most part. I am hopping some one can help me to figure how I am able to turn the sun light either off or down when it gets to be night time? All landscape and even all other actors and such on the land seem to be stuck at the day time mode. Any suggestions be grateful and appreciated. Here is what I am dealing with.
Stumbled across this link it’s a bit old, I don’t know how much of it is still relevant. But there’s a part about turning off the sun at night.
Edit: new link
Thank you for the response. May I please ask you for the link again? Apparently this one is a dead link.
Indirect lighting is most likely your problem. You don’t need to turn off the sun at night, though I would recommend adjusting the settings of your dominant light at night time.
What tutorial did you follow for setting up the day/night cycle?
Thank you for the response. Funny thing happened not to long ago which makes me think more on what is happening and I need to do alot more researching on lighting and all. I do not seem to be having issues with Indirect lighting, but the Directional Light it self.
I have views many videos and forums that talk about making a day/night cycle that talks about using Directional Light for that. I also seen many on making lighting for the inside environment that talks about using Directional Light for light placement. Guess I can make that with Point Light I guess. I found that having one extra Directional Light in the level will cause the lighting issue I was having. How people can use more than one Directional Light on the same level with no problems, I have no idea. Any how, I fixed the problem by removing the extra Directional Light.
You cannot have more than one Directional Light in your level. The directional light is used as your “Sun”. What you would do in theory is adjust the values of the directional light depending on whether it is “Daytime” or “Nighttime”.
So in the daytime you would set the Intensity of the Directional light to 3 and the color to 1.0, 0.922, 0.537 (Just an example)
Then when its nighttime you would set the intensity of the light to 0.5 and the color to 0.217, 0.268, 0.31.
There’s no need to have multiple directional lights.
Thank you for the response. I have figured that out by trial and error. What I had tried to do was create the sun effect coming through the windows of my building in my project and it worked great by the way using the second Directional Light and a spot light. Believe it or not, it worked with every window I had that was in the area the sun was shining in while using that single one in the whole project. Would be great if it was a full day system and no night time. I had also renamed that one for the window light thinking it would work since you can do the same with nearly every other piece I can put in place. lol as I say, try and try again and learn from my mistakes. To let you know, I am lucky that my blueprint will change the colors of the day/night cycle so no need to make changes in the Directional Light.
You’re welcome. I should say it is POSSIBLE to use more than one direction light in a scene, but the conditions under which they will work without issue are very specific so its far easier to say “Don’t use more than one”.
Something to keep in mind, you can enable light beams by selecting your dominant directional light and checking “Enable Light Shaft Occlusion”
Then you can adjust the rotation of your directional light so that it is shining through the windows of your building correctly. You can also create a light shaft model which is what artists do a lot to fake it but if you’ve got a day and night cycle, then you probably want to use the real-time functionality so that they disappear at night (as the moon rises in a different spot than the sun).
Re-naming directional lights is fine; I do it all the time. Not sure why you thought it was causing problems.
Not sure why you’re saying you don’t need to make changes in the directional light. Making changes in the blueprint is the same as making changes to the light itself.
Thank you for the response and the link. They are very helpful. As for your statement about my removing the second Directional Light for it was causing trouble, I did not think it was causing any problems at all. I simply removed it by chance to see what would happen if I did and it fixed the problem. Now my new problem is now I had simply added a spot light, and now it is causing the same issue as the one with this post with the pics above. What am I doing wrong here?
Do you get any errors when you build lighting?
Try select all and copy and then create a new empty map and chose Paste. Sometimes the map file can become corrupted and copy and pasting everything into a new scene will fix it.
Yes, thank you for the kind response. I have the problem on a different post that been dormant now since I posted it a week ago. Here is the message I keep getting:
“Performance Warning BP_Skydome Large actor receives a pre-shadow and will cause an extreme performance hit unless bCastDynamicShadow is set to false.”
That’s the only warning? All that is saying is that the skydome mesh isn’t set to disable shadows. What version of UE4 are you running? If you’re not running the latest version, I suggest you update to 4.11 If you are using the latest version, can you upload your project (all custom assets if you’re using any) so I can see if I get the same error on my end?
Thanks again. Yes, this is the only error message I am getting. My does it ever make the progress lag too. I have been having this issue since I started the using version 4.9.2 and working with 4.11.2 and thinking on trying the new 4.12 after it gets installed in a bit. May I send you a private message so we can exchange email addresses so I can send you the folder in a zip file? I would need to use google mail cloud drive to send it to you for it is rather large file to post here.
info [at] feel free to send a link there.
Thank you for the link. How am I to send a link via email through your site? I do not have Microsoft Outlook on my system. Feel free to email me at so I can send you the project. Great website by the way.