I created this simple player feedback actor component:
UCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType)
class MYGAME_API UPlayerFeedbackComponent : public UActorComponent
/** Animation */
UPROPERTY(Category = "Player Feedback Component", EditAnywhere)
class UAnimMontage* animation;
/** Effect */
UPROPERTY(Category = "Player Feedback Component", EditAnywhere)
class UParticleSystem* effect;
/** Sound */
UPROPERTY(Category = "Player Feedback Component", EditAnywhere)
class USoundBase* sound;
/** Rumble */
UPROPERTY(Category = "Player Feedback Component", EditAnywhere)
class UForceFeedbackEffect* rumble;
/** Camera Shake */
UPROPERTY(Category = "Player Feedback Component", EditAnywhere)
TSubclassOf<UCameraShake> cameraShake;
/** Anything else we may want to do via Blueprints */
UFUNCTION(Category = "Player Feedback Component", BlueprintNativeEvent, BlueprintCallable)
void AttachToActorBP(const AActor* actor, const FName attachPoint = "");
void AttachToActor(const AActor* actor, const FName attachPoint = "");
void PlayAtLocation(const FVector location);
Here’s a new instance of this actor component that I created in my project:
Here’s a variable of that actor component type on my pawn. Note that the list is not popluating with the instance i’ve just created.
Here are the pawn and actor component blueprint in the same folder of my content browser.
Any ideas what’s going on?
Thanks in advance!