Is there any way I can see blueprint code in C++?
I’d be interest in part because it would be a great way to learn the language.
Is there any way I can see blueprint code in C++?
I’d be interest in part because it would be a great way to learn the language.
There is great way (mostly) to learn C++ for unreal.
It is chat GPT, ask it to create samples of code. It works well (mostly), however more complicated code will be 90% messed up.
However you can ask it like this (i use it to create all those macros for blueprintable nodes):
“can you create C++ unreal blueprintable function that as input gets transform, then rotates it 90deg clock wise around that transform z axis.”
And usually chat gpt makes correct code. It is fast and you can translate your blueprint code into c++ that way. You just need to explain instead copy/paste blueprints.
Just remember simple code is almost always correct, complicated code almost never correct (just looking correct, which is even worse)
True, Chat is good for that. I was just wondering, since to my knowledge BP gets compiled to CPP, if there was a way to do it directly. Would have been nice to see how a bit more complex code would look like.
@aMustachedPotato was working on a plugin 3 years ago but I don’t know how it ended up.
Here the link to the post: Blueprint To C++ Conversion Plugin
blueprint nodes can be found in the epic games source files, thats how i learnt alot
4 days ago this open source plugin was published that is doing exactly what you´re searching for. Haven’t tried it by myself but looking good
(post deleted by author)
Very convenient timing then! Thanks, will definitely check it out.