Blueprint Ninja Challenge

So This is how they got out of sending Swag to the little guys…
I thought Epic Games was about the little guys…

Guess I better dust off my Unity and Apple stuff…

No need to be so ungrateful. Epic Games has done much more than Unity or Apple for the community.
Unity never sent out anything for free to anyone, they don’t give away assets for free every month, don’t make jams with great prizes, don’t give away grants to developers and educators. Epic even bought Quixel Megascans and gifted it for free to us, they sponsor Blender and many more open source projects, they acquired Sketchfab and made it much more friendly for artists, they gave us Metahumans. There is no such company that would reward their community so much as Epic Games. Speaking about Apple - they are not a very developer-friendly company, and certainly never did anything good for developers, so not sure where you are going.

It’s just a bug I am sure and it will be fixed. No need to get mad. In the end of the day, you got free high quality courses which will help you in your career.


I Agree buddy,

After no reply and re-doing the course still nothing.
I always get F’t over with these competitions.
All I get is a heap of spam emails and phone calls as a reward.
Just a rant…
Got court at a bad time…

Epic is called Epic for a reason.
I would never turn back to Unity after using UE,
I love Apple products but hate the company.
I 100% back what Epic is doing and has done, not only to Apple.

Hey Ravencroft,
The missing badge could be missing due to a bug in the system or something else. Do you have an adblocker on? Maybe disable it for Epic’s learning center.

Here’s one thing you can try:

  1. Go to the Achivements page
  2. Try using the search to see if it shows up

Another thing you can try is the following:

  1. Go to the course page and make sure that it show’s 100% completion

  2. Confirm that you go the badge by going to the course’s individual Achievement page

  3. It should show the date you got the achievement:

Hope this helps


Same email here, talking about the remaining courses. But it may be normal. Maybe it’s simply a remainder when you have already completed one. If completed two, they may suppose you are going to make the full 3, so no need to send us another reminder.

Anyway, I read in some part the hay 14 days to write us after completing the challenge (or after the end of the challenge, no sure). So keep fingers crossed!

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Thanks for all of your answers. I am wondering if I need to have the “Unreal EULA group” badge in my profile in order to receive the swag? As rules say that we need to comply with EULAs.
I tried doing whats needed - I have launcher and unreal engine installed, still nothing.

Are you sure that badge exists?

Yeah, as Miguel1900 stated, I don’t know if that badge even exists. I don’t have it and I did everything they asked for. The rules don’t say that you need a badge with that name, you just need to “comply” with the EULA.

Yes, the badge exists, you can find it your forum profile. I can see that you have it.

Yep it is achieved but it is still missing, the only one too. It WAS there but now is gone. So now im wondering if it will impact anything. Anyone else have ‘journeyman’ disappear?

Still there for me.
You maybe have too many badges and it doesn’t display all of them? Is the achievement visible in the Points section of the page?

I DO have the badge for the CLASS when i open the class, my worry is that i HAD the first badge, journeyman, but then it disappeared a couple days ago completely from my badges. And i’m now wondering how this will impact the chalkenge completion.

hello friends, I received this e-mail called You have won Unreal Engine SWAG box. Is there anything I need to do next?
Or do I have to wait for the swag package, does anyone know about it?

This explanation frankly confused me.!

Are you sure it’s not called “These badges aren’t hanging around”?

Because in that email they are telling you that you are still one badge away to get it.

That’s right, this is the title of the e-mail I received, I use google translate.
I have earned all the necessary badges for the contest, at the end of the mail it says you have won the swag pack

  1. Congratulations, you’ve earned your final Blueprint Master badge! The Unreal Engine SWAG box is yours.

If I understand correctly, I’m assuming I won the swag pack. I wonder if there’s anything extra I need to do if I win.

Same story here. I’ve got the Blueprint Ninja badge, but still got an email yesterday telling me to complete an already completed course so I could get the Ninja badge

They are just steps that need to be completed.
Step 1. Login
Step 2. Complete badges,
Step 3. You win.

If you have already done them, just do them again.
Doesn’t hurt.

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Nope, it’s just the third step after completing the previous 2, which are supposed to not be completed. But it’s just an email, and they seem they are arriving with delay. So just wait for the last email, confirming we won (I’m still waiting it too).

Thanks :slight_smile: