Blueprint failing in Mobile

Hello, there, I’m having issues with blueprint scripting, in viewport the flow works fine, but when I launch it on mobile, the box trigger is not firing the spotlight I want to turn on, any help of an special configuration I might need to accomplish this task!? please help!

be aware that there are limitation when developping for mobile.
be sure to put your spotlight to static.
you’ll find further information here :

I changed but still wont go on when I go through the collision box.

I go through and It pops an message on screen Lights needs to be rebuilt :frowning:

well that thelimitation, static light use precomputed lightmaps. that means that when you trigger a light on you ll have to rebuild lightning.
if you want tu use that kind of things, you ll have to use directional lights (only those can be set as stationary on mobile platforms).
you may find usefull things here :
in this exemple he is changing the color, but it should work to toggle it on or off.
what you can try also is to render your lightning with the light enabled, and turns its intensity at 0 on the event on begin play of your level blueprint, and then instead of toggling the light visibility, just set its intensity to the desired value