Blueprint Assist Plugin

Hi @fpwong

I’ve recently switched to UE5 and there’s a difference between UE4 and UE5 in how comments on nodes (not comment boxes) are handled. Specifically, node comments appear to be completely ignored by the formatting algo.

In UE4 I usually had to manually refresh the node (via Shift+Ctrl+R) that I added comments onto for Format Selected (F) to work, but it did work and format according to the comment size. That no longer happens in UE5.1 (didnt test 5.0), which results in stuff like this:

Is this a known issue? I haven’t seen it mentioned in this thread but I may have missed it.


Hi @Jerome_Parent, I seem to have broken this feature in a recent update. I’ll look into fixing this.

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Thanks for looking into it.

I have another request that is more of a new feature: the ability to locally enable/disable the functionality of the plugin, without actually disabling the plugin.

We have some team members that prefer not using Blueprint Assist (clearly they are crazy but I’ll try not to judge them…), but the only way (that I know of anyway) to disable its functionality is to disable the plugin in the .uproject. On a source-controlled project, that isn’t a realistic solution because it forces you to keep the uproject file checked out, and at some point it will need to be reconciled and less-technical people might run into problems.

I had implemented this myself a few years ago on an older version of the plugin by modifying the source directly, but I feel like it would be useful as a built-in feature (and in a probably less hacky way than I had done it). I basically added a user-level (and not project-level) bool to the BPA settings that would early-return in the initialization of the plugin, effectively disabling without needing to actually disable it.

Nothing urgent, just something that would be nice if you get around to it.

I’ll try add this in the next update too, hopefully should be a simple addition with just exiting the startup module.

Awesome, thanks!

Another hopefully quick thing I just ran into:

The default privacy override for variables/functions is amazing and is something that should ship with UE, but the variable default privacy applies to Event Dispatchers since they are “variables”, and I feel like there should be an exception here since I don’t think that’s really ever a desired behavior (to have Event Dispatchers default to Private for example). Not sure if its possible for you to determine if its a normal variable or an Event Dispatcher and not apply the default privacy override in that case?


Thanks for letting me know, I’ll see what I can do about this.

Also did some testing, it seems like the access specifier label for EventDispatchers is always private, even if you untick private in the details. Is this the same for you?

The label still says Private yeah, which is weird. But there’s definitely a real difference between the Private checkbox ticked vs not in terms of being able to bind to that dispatcher.

Hi @Jerome_Parent, the event dispatcher and disabling plugin setting have been added in 4.1.0. You can see the full changelog here: Changelog - Blueprint Assist

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[ Bug Report ] If the auto comment is used with the blueprint assistant .I press F Key . It will break my connection.

Hi, thanks for reporting this. This seems to be a bug related to the setting Apply Comment Padding setting if you turn this off (you can do this in the Blueprint Assist toolbar settings), it will not cause it to be disconnected for this case.

I will try to fix this as soon as possible!

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This has been fixed in 4.1.1

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I can no longer build the plugin since that last update, any hints?

1>Building 7 actions with 7 processes...
1>[1/7] Compile BlueprintAssistWorkflowModeMenu.cpp
1>[2/7] Compile BlueprintAssistCommentContainsGraph.cpp
1>[3/7] Compile EdGraphParameterFormatter.cpp
1>[4/7] Compile AddSymbolMenu.cpp
1>[5/7] Link UnrealEditor-BlueprintAssist.lib cancelled
1>[6/7] Link UnrealEditor-BlueprintAssist.dll cancelled
1>[7/7] WriteMetadata cancelled

UE 5.1, Windows

Hard to say without seeing the build errors. If AddSymbolMenu.cpp was the last successful file to build then I am not sure, that file has not been changed for quite a while.

If you are not already, I suggest trying to compile the plugin by putting it in the Project/Plugins folder and compiling the plugin along with the project. It would be the easiest way of debugging issues.

That was in a project. I don’t know how to show more verbose output. And these builds are in parallel, so it may or may not be that file the issue.

I have tried different approaches like copy-pasting, restarting, deleting intermediates and etc. However, today I was able to build it. Therefore it was an unknown issue.

Thank you for the fast reply.

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Hi @fpwong,

One of our devs ran into this issue where in ControlRig and AnimBlueprint editors, the D keyboard shortcut that is used as “disconnect pin link” is still active when that editor’s preview viewport is focused.

So if you have a pin highlighted and you go and WASD in the adjacent viewport, its going to disconnect that pin and you aren’t necessarily going to notice. The D input in the viewport is also just blocked unless you hold it for a few seconds.

For now we’ve disabled BPA in the ControlRig/AnimBlueprint types in the settings, but focusing the viewport in those editors should just remove any pin highlights. That is what happens in the Blueprint editor. I tested by re-docking the Blueprint Editor’s Viewport tab so that I would have a split view like in ControlRig/AnimBlueprint, and the highlight on the Frequency property in the example below will correctly disappear when I focus the viewport.

GIF 2023-03-07 14-42-52

Hi @Jerome_Parent, thanks for letting me know about this. I’ll try to push a fix for this soon.

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This has been fixed in 4.1.5

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In 5.1, I’ve found a bug where if you are using Group and then you collapse some of the Grouped nodes, a group is left over that cannot be deleted.

Group function:

Collapsed nodes:

Collapsed nodes retain group but it cannot be deleted:

Is there any way to delete all groups?

@BIGTIMEMASTER Hi, thanks for letting me know. I will fix this in the next update. Currently there is no built in method of deleting all groups. For now you can go into the json file located in your plugin folder:

  • C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\BlueprintAssist\NodeSizeCache

The json file will be called %PROJECT_ID%.json. You can see your project id by going to your Project Settings and searching for project id.

Then you can search in the json file for the bugged blueprint by name. For example my blueprint BP_AIController will have a section /Game/Enemies/BP_FPAIController. You can delete this entire section from the json file.

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Perfect, thanks!