Blocky and pixelated Heterogeneous Volumes In 5.3 runtime


I’m working on a flying STG game involves Heterogeneous Volumes clouds, and got this weird rendering issue. The clouds looking all right in editor:

but becomes this “pixel sorted” look when play:

in addition, this issue doesn’t happen regularly, but much more frequently in specific level (while the clouds setting, materials are all exactly same)

Here is my material setup, nothing fancy I think

I also checked related concole commands, they all have default values. Tried different sampling, shading, etc. but nothing changed.

Any clue? would be much appreciated!

I’m having the exact same issue, but it is only happening when using sim cache in a sequencer. Have you find any fix yet ?

I’m also having this problem when using sim caché. Did anyone find a workaround?
It looks perfect in the editor, but the moment we push a build the simulations look like they came out of Minecraft.

In our case they flicker in between the regular state and the blocky state. :-/

same to me, no solution yet.