Blocker - Upload Limit Reached? Unable to reach Live Edit (Logs Attached)

What is the official word on Upload Size?

I’m failing to upload with the following error:


Here is my previous upload from yesterday. Today no new assets were added, only level modifications in-editor:


Here is the temp directory, as you can see the zip file is 200mb~

Here is another feedback thread related to upload limits: (9.1 MB)

Like axel said, this is a major blocker for our project!

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Raising this internally. We’ll reach out of we need more information.

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Adding some extra info.

After deleting approx. 500~ actors I did manage to get back in. The successful upload size is around 350mb (I’ve never seen higher than this). Either those actors are adding an extra 150mb+ of data (??) or there is another issue here.