[BLOCKER]Regression in 27.10, can't start session/upload private version

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Over-night starting session and uploading my project stopped working. I’ve tried few older versions from yesterday, a week and 2 weeks ago and nothing works.

I’m guessing something changed on your backend already for the 27.10 update as the log is:

[2023.11.14-11.01.14:764][569]LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.PruneScratchSpaceFiles.ScratchManifest.LoadFromCloud
[2023.11.14-11.01.14:764][569]LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.PruneScratchSpaceFiles.ScratchManifest.LoadFromCloud.FetchManifestLink
[2023.11.14-11.01.14:764][569]LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.PruneScratchSpaceFiles.ScratchManifest.LoadFromCloud.FetchManifestLink.FetchDssLinks
[2023.11.14-11.01.14:764][569]LogValkyrieScratchManifest: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.ScratchManifest.McpDssGetFileLinks
[2023.11.14-11.01.15:116][570]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===

A bit before that is:

[2023.11.14-12.07.19:676][120]LogOnline: Verbose: MCP: Http Non-Successful Result: HttpResult: 400 Code: 0 Error: Failure ErrorCode=errors.com.epicgames.content-service.validation_error, Message=‘Content/VGiga/Generators/simple_device_cast%20copy.verse’ does not meet file name constraints (input), Raw={
“host”: “content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com”,
“method”: “GET”,
“path”: “/api/content/v2/module/011287d6-477c-2563-dce5-1ba36719ce94/version/112/staged-files/Content/VGiga/Generators/simple_device_cast%2520copy.verse”,
“errorCode”: “errors.com.epicgames.content-service.validation_error”,
“errorMessage”: “‘Content/VGiga/Generators/simple_device_cast%20copy.verse’ does not meet file name constraints (input)”

I’ve tried to delete this file but it didn’t help. Seems like it’s stored on your servers and possibly causes this crash.

Also tried deleting AppData\Local\UnrealEditorFortnite folder but didn’t help.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open my project
  2. Click Project → Upload private version

Expected Result

No Crash

Observed Result

UEFN Crashes



Island Code

Project id: 30a21525-4611-01ad-971d-8bbe69cc8a97

Additional Notes

Sent UEFN Crash GUID: CrashGUID>UECC-Windows-71D2957540037D8E4C8D43AD5CD2522C_0000

@Kamyker I’ll bring this up with the team. Does that verse file have a space in its name?

Thank you!

Yes it’s a space but as I wrote I’m not able to do anything with this file. After deleting it the error is still there.

@HalcyonKnight96 I dug a bit more, the file with space was added more than a week ago. Project worked fine till today. Checked last UEFN log from yesterday ~19:00 ET no errors.

The same project but cloned works fine, meaning there’s probably no other error then the “file with space” that ended up somewhere cached in the cloud.

Never mind, cloned map got into “New updates this week” in discover, 7th position which means pretty much invisible that converted into 1 play, lol. Not sure why it didn’t go to “New Experiences”.

The bug mentioned in the thread is still there in the older project.

Is there a fix to this issue? I just experienced it and it stays despite the fact that I renamed the file with the issue…
Duplicating the project is not an option because it’s very likely that the algorithm will detect it and reduce discovery…

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