Blender to Unreal Tools, Part 1 - February 6 - Live from HQ

This is exactly how our independent plugin Brigge for Meshes works :D. It’s early access, meaning still plenty of work ahead, but you can start using it now.

From the documentation:
Brigge for Meshes sets up Material slots in Unreal to match those in Blender. It looks for existing Unreal Material assets in your project and will assign them to the StaticMesh if their names match. Missing materials or empty material slots are perfectly ok! These will use the default world grid material and you can assign them once you’re ready to think about materials. Brigge will never create “dummy” materials or disrupt your slot order.

We started working on this problem a year ago: share surface materials between Blender and UE4. Use Cycles/Eevee materials directly in Unreal, with a fully editable procedural node network on both ends. And got much of it working!

After interviewing game artists at GDC, ECGC, and SIGGRAPH, we shifted focus to develop kick-■■■ StaticMesh import/export. Something people wanted right away.

Should we dust off the Brigge for Materials prototype since there seems to be interest? :slight_smile:

Cool, thanks for the heads up! You should add some screenshots to the website so we can get an idea of the workflow.

This is so exciting. Bravo and thank you Epic for supporting Blender. Please continiue. Your heart grows bigger.

I hope UE will be able to import cached Mantaflow simulations…

Let’s say it was easy to predict due to the grant - but still, this new made me sooooooo happy :D:):):):slight_smile: Really Epic, you didnt have to, christmas was just month ago :smiley:

That’s how Dataprep with Datasmith works (and thus it should work with the add-on I linked to earlier).

Thanks Epic Games!
Very Cool :slight_smile:

Just back from the LiveStream, here is trying to vocal with feedback:
it would be nice if the addon/flow/plugin move from using FBX as the foundation to GLTF (or any other open format, used GLTF here just as it tried to be the latest Open Format around “supported” by all the big guns) to be more in line with the the open source theme around UE4 and Blender and avoiding possible legal traps.

One thing that annoys in Blender is lack of proper vertex alpha support.
Though I heard it’s technically supported in 2.8, there doesn’t seem to be a way to paint the alpha. I also don’t know about exporting.

Perhaps the Epic guys could do something about it, as having all of the vertex color channels usable would be cool.

It would be nice to use mesh origin instead of scene origin.

You can definitely export fluid simulations using Allembic from Blender 2.80 to Unreal engine already. Although I have not tried it in blender 2.83 with mantaflow yet.

Many thanks for these tools, as we have been switching to Blender for a lot of things, so this is very helpful.

As Kaye mentioned on screen, we should “scream loudly” for issues we are concerned over. Here’s my 2c:

Any import/export work done in either blender or unreal should have a very close look at the coming industry standard of USD. I know Unreal has some limited support for USD, and Blender is still quite awol on USD support, but you should be very aware of it, so Unreal supports a USD workflow in the near-to-mid future. If you have inside track on what Epic and Blender are planning for USD support, it would be a huge win to use that instead of fbx for translation.

Thanks again!


Amazing news … very excited to see this in the wild … mad thanks for working on this team Epic whoop!

Some feedback and hopes and dreams (in order of importance). The same functionality as what Maya enjoys with Live Link would of course be amazing.


  1. PRINCIPLED BSDF shader support (PBR is critical)
  2. PARTICLE SUPPORT so we can use Blender as an alternative/companion to Niagara (This would be truly amazing and make my life so much easier)
  3. NATIVE BLENDER SHADER support (Color Ramp, Math Nodes, Texture cords, Fresnel … drooling at the thought of this but we can “bake” to Principled BSDF in the meantime)
  4. Great ANIMATION support in general for custom bone rigs (my main character is a quadruped) I wont be using mannequin much this year. And when I do use rigify I almost always customize it by adding or deleting bones.
  5. PARTICLE SUPPORT for hair
  6. ALLEMBIC can currently be used to export FLUID/CLOTH static/locked simulations … it would be cool to do it all in one plugin
  7. QUIXEL Megascans support for export … I would much prefer to set up my scenes in Blender and then export them to Unreal as it’s faster for me. But quixel has some rather complex shader node set ups so see item no 3.
  8. OBJECT ORIGIN + World Origin for Meshes

[QUESTION] :smiley: … why not use the new open source Pixar USD format? The industry seems to be heading that way.

Please release this on Github … I don’t care if it’s alpha/beta, I would love to get my hands on this and test it. Happy to do bug reporting too if it will help.

Can’t wait to put my hands on it!
Would be awesome to have ability to export hair groom compatible with new hair dynamic feature .

Just a few observations and suggestions - this is so cool!

Depending on how integrated this is to blender? If you make this addon so it will build the FBX information; and then the export process would be the same from that point on… as a consequence the FBX2UE4 pipeline could then work for any tool - that is you could use the exactly same pipeline in all other tools that can build FBX and somehow run Python! Say - you could, in theory, do this in/from **Makehuman **and Houdini… as-is, with only a few modifications!? (Makehuman already links directly to blender, but it would be neat if you can do this directly from any tool… using Python of by the FBX format… for now Blender could however serve as a “transition tool” you import from any of the other tools, and transfer it to UE4, you would probably use a specific script/addon for each tool that.

For the design part. You need to move the export option away from the preferences and to it’s own tool-tab - this demo session clearly demonstrates that you need that?

Also you should be able to have different preset-set transfer options. Perhaps it could be done in a clever way… say when you change an animation and the shape keys… then the corresponding UE4 options gets set and done automatically!

**For the transfer **it looks like you can transfer one mesh “object” only? Would be possible to for us to have more collections and then export one or more… say you want a character, props and cloth in separate collections…

**Metadata, Versions and source control… **messing with Blender/UE4 quickly leads to problems - you got the FBX reference but where is the original blender files etc. Would it be possible to add meta-data to the UE4 assets, or to the blender files - or perhaps even better would it be possible to save/store the blender files etc. as part of the UE4 project, and to link it all source control.

This leads to something missing in Blender: a better way to organize your assets. I suggest that there could be a (Blender) project structure that “match” what we have in UE4. Say, you could build a collection set that match 1:1 the folders you have in UE4… in that way there would be a better correspondence between assets in different tools - that is: we don’t have to remember that! Say when you import the asset to Blender you can keep track of the source in a Blender2UE4 project file. (For starter you can store the sources in the UE4 project folders… )

Blender Question - I had to learn that the shape keys are broken by some modifiers (it is not obvious what happens and there are no warnings, they simply don’t get imported?), will the tool somehow be able to get past that, could it simply give warnings or perhaps simply “bypass” modifiers that wont work for UE4.

(Edit: I know this is not part of this FBX pipeline, but it would be very cool I I could make huge tiled height-maps in Blender, and then export them in the UE4 format. Probably not a huge task to do this - only I don’t know that much Python yet. )

Awesome!!! The missing link to the future. I love it when development is moving in the right direction. Thank you Epic for beeing a part of democratising creative software.

Please Jim don’t quit yet since there is no guarantee the tool is going to cover all our need!

Please make this tool to allow custom rigs, with the ability to add cloth and belts and props for characters so it can use the existing unreal animations. Pllllease, thinking creatures, animals as well

Looking forward to use this, keep up the awesome work!