Blend between 2 materials via code

I would like to blend between two materials using code. How would I approach this? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

If you make your existing materials as material functions, then you can easily pipe them through the above methods


thanks for your answer! I’m still a little new to the engine and not sure if your approach would work for what I want to do, so maybe I’ll explain a little more detailed:

I have a couple of actors. When they are clicked, another object’s material is changed to a material which is specified in the clicked actor. This transition should be blended!
I’m not sure if I can achieve this by using material functions, because I get the materials directly from the actors.

In case this works using existing materials, could you give me a more detailed explanation to this?

this may set you in the right direction

I checked out the material instances and got the blending thing working that is suggested in the link. InterpolateMaterialInstanceParameters does not seem to blend textures though :confused: I can’t quite believe there is no other solution to this?