I keep getting this black line over the lower part of the room. I adjusted the resolution on lightmaps, added Lightmass importance… I have no idea what could cause the problem. Maybe I’ve got too many textures. I even increased the texture pool size and still nothing. Any suggestion would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Could you show the lightmap uv for those objects? Can you tell us the resolution of their lightmaps please?
Thanks for replying!
Sure, but I don’t think that objects are causing the problem. I must be doing something wrong with light since that line is crossing objects which are different in size and texture resolution.
Here are the lightmap density and lightmap uv.
Sorry I didn’t see it’s a big continuous shadow!!
Have you checked the lightmap sample view? Do you have samples covered that area?
…is your scene below ground floor?
Oh, it’s my fault, I didn’t point that out clearly enough. When I set to Volumetric Lightmap view, there are no spheres near the bottom of the room, but then again why isn’t that whole bottom part in black, just that stripe. I put the point light near the sofa, just to try out, and the back line disappeared, so as if that one stripe is lacking light. And I checked, it is above ground level.
Thanks again for your help