Black circular shadows on mesh

Can anyone identify the cause of these strange shadows?

They are appearing on a mesh in one of my levels but not another (where I do see circular shadows but they are not even close to this level of distorted)

I’ve tried increasing lightmap res and adjusting several shadow settings including trying ray traced shadows but cannot seem to get rid of them.

Thank you in advance <3

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Looks like distance field ambient occlusion or distance field shadows. You can disable them on a mesh, increase the resolution of them, or try constructing assets in ways that handle distance fields better.


Thank you very much for the quick answer!

It does indeed seem to be caused by distance field lighting, thought I couldn’t find the exact settings to get it working nicely so I’ve disabled “Affect Distance Field Lighting” and that has removed the distortion.


I suppose it’s due to my scaling up of this mesh and landscape and on larger meshes I’d want proportionate resolution, though I didn’t find the precise settings to do so without re-building my scene’s lighting. Will give this a bit more research and update when I find the proper settings to adjust.

Thank you.

I had a similar problem with you, and what solved it was indeed changing the scale from inside the static mesh properties (and the reducing the scale in-editor). Open the static mesh, go to Details → Build Settings → Build Scale, and try increasing the value there and see what happens. Another value you can try changing is the Distance Field Self Shadow Bias. Hope that helps somehow!

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