Black atmosphere at Vulcan Android Preview rendering

I’ve checked all settings and idk what to do. Tried deleting directional light, atmospheric fog, light importance volume, then creating everything again. Nothing didn’t help.

Do you have a skydome? Because mobile platforms require a skydome for SkyAtmosphere to work

Thank you - it solved my problem, but another one appeared that my character falls through the ground and I’m spawning practically in the highest point of the sky.

I followed this tutorial Unreal 4 24 Setting Up Sky Atmosphere - YouTube but I think it is not made for mobile, when I delete the Sphere - the problem with camera spawning disappears

It may be that your SkyDome has collision enabled so you’re spawning inside of it. Make sure you’ve disabled collision for it

Oh, yesterday I solved the problem just changing the Sphere collision setting. I forgot to write about it. Thanks.
Screenshot 2022-03-20 101659