Billboards randomly not showing to Join-in-progress players


Billboards do not display values to all players. Join-in-progress randomly do not see values. See pictures.

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Steps to Reproduce

Add Billboards to a project. Use Verse to loop through active players in the game and use SetText and UpdateDisplay to change the Billboards value. Do this once every 10 seconds. Start a game, have other players join in progress. JIP players do not see all the values on the billboards.

Expected Result

All players should see the exact same values on the billboards.

Observed Result

All players should see the exact same values on the billboards.



Island Code


Additional Notes

Pictures provided.

Screen snips from each players perspective.

we are seeing this as well, it’s a bummer bc that is the only way to display player names in world, as far as I can tell

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FORT-788397 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.

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just create a refresh function so when a player joins it refreshes what’s already on the board and the player will be apart of that and the board will update so it might get past any issues.

I do refresh and it doesnt update the screen.

There is an example of Verse code at
【UEFN】Let’s display the score on the billboard | by Eisuke Kawano | Medium

More info: If the value in each billboard does not change from previous refresh JIP players might not be able to see the value. It happens randomly. My fix was I changed every value (split second) during the refresh (every 15 seconds) and it solved the issue. I SetText ‘- - -’, updateDisplay and then immediately change it to value I want. This solves the problem. But it is a needless extra step. There is definitely a flaw in how BB’s get displayed to JIP players.

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