BIK: Full Body IK Solver

The licensing terms this plugins is released under prohibits distribution of the plugin in an unpackaged form. So unfortunately, distribution with an open source project would not work. Sorry about that… But thank you for your interest !

Hm… Maybe it is somehow possible to create plugin binary which works only one project. What do you think?

In such case I could give compiled plugin to modders.

cool stuff. :slight_smile:

It might be possible but I will have to look into the details of how that would work. If at some point I enable this functionality I will post here for sure.

Thank you Luftbauch !

Awesome stuff! I have so many crazy ideas to try out using this :smiley:

Regarding modding and etc. maybe it’s possible to compile it as a part of the UE4 editor. In general if you want your game to be moddable using UE4 editor, you need to provide all you game classes as already compiled for specific version of UE4. I thought that ARK devs did it like that. You could add your code but something like main menu and etc is hard coded and can’t be changed from such custom UE4 editor.

Do you still accept new beta clients?

Yes, perhaps that might be the way to go. However, I am currently focusing on the core functionality and general usability of the plugin. Hence releasing it for a moddable project is a bit on the lower priority right now. However, I will try to get to it after I have exhausted the current priority queue.

Yes I am. If you are solo developer or a team of two then you can purchase the Indie Small Team license for USD 99.99. You can email me at : [EMAIL=“”] for more details.

Also, please note that a major update is coming very soon. I was just in the process of generating a new sneak peek gif/video for the same.

Please do note that this is a binary release only, currently compiled for UE 4.10.0 and Windows.

I have been working on introducing support for quadrupeds.

Also, multiple actors can be easily dropped into the scene. You can then pick the effectors associated with each actor.

There are just some more refinements left and then build 0.3a will be released to all existing customers for further testing.


Will add something like AimIK:


Yes AimIK is pretty high up on the list. I will start working on it as soon as I release 0.3a.

On another note, someone asked me if we can do proper foot placements with this for Bipeds and Quadrupeds. To this I should say that it is a work in progress, but …


Hehehehe :smiley:

Btw, it work me with physics, right? In a sense that you could strap some busters to arms aka ironman and they would pull arms?

Got a question - How well does this solve on uneven surfaces such as stairs, rubble, etc.?

Just thought I would ask as I plan to have allot of uneven surfaces in my game both hand crafted and user made via Destruction.

  • HeadClot

That’s exactly what I was going for haha. Now I realize I should have had the hands folded. Once I finish implementing various features I hope to make a bunch of videos showcasing what can be done with the plugin and also having some fun !

Yes it should work, but currently the setting up of traces for detection of where the target for the feet has to go has been left for the user of the plugin. This is one of the things bound to change with 0.4a, but not with 0.3a which is the next build in line, just FYI. In 0.4a there will be an easy way to hopefully just “enable” such behavior without going through the trouble of setting up all the ancillary stuff.

Doing some more testing before 0.3 release

Version 0.3a is now live. All existing customers have been emailed a link to download the 4.10.1 build for windows.

Please find a quick start tutorial below. A more detailed walk through of setting various parameters for a non-standard skeleton is in the works and will be up in a bit.

If you are an existing customer and have not received a download link please email [EMAIL=“”] and I will make sure you get the download link ASAP.

Based on feedback, a preview version is now available for existing or new customers to test in case they are interested. Please email [EMAIL=“”] for further details.

Changelog v0.3.1 Alpha Preview

  • Moved the functionality from BIKActor to a BIK Component. This component can be added to the actor you want to control using BIK. Inside BIK component, the desired skeletal mesh and the corresponding animation blueprint must be specified.
  • Removed the need to use BIKAnimInstance. Now this AnimInstance is just used for debugging purposes. For actual game usage any AnimInstance class can be used.
  • Added support to blend weight between rig pose and input animation for each chain via BIK AnimNode. This is useful for cases when the input animation has a type of motion which is not compatible with the desired end effector transforms which can cause unnecessary motion in the chains.